Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17033 Discussions

Signal Tap crashing immediately after launch




Signal Tap is crashing immediately in Quartus Pro after it is launched.    I get a "Sorry!" modal, and the report is listed below.  


Also, I tried submitting a service request, but I'm taken to a page that continually redirects / reloads (using FireFox).    


Regarding Signal Tap crashing, everything works fine with the same project on a different Windows 10 PC.  I tried cleaning the project and deleting all the temporary / build directories, but this didn't help.


I'm guessing my recent installation of 23.4 is corrupt. 


Thank you.




Problem Details
Internal Error: Sub-system: CHI, File: /quartus/sld/chi/chi_control_nodes_scan.cpp, Line: 227
Must scan the device first
Stack Trace:
  Quartus          0x2471a: CHI_CONTROL_NODES_SCAN::is_device_available + 0x2a (sld_chi)
  Quartus         0x110059: SEDQ_INSTANCE_WIDGET::qt_static_metacall + 0x539 (sld_sedq)
  Quartus         0x1fb3c0: QObject::event + 0x170 (Qt5Core)
  Quartus          0x36cf9: QWidget::event + 0xde9 (Qt5Widgets)
  Quartus          0xd56bf: QFrame::event + 0x2f (Qt5Widgets)
  Quartus          0x8960d: SEDQ_INSTANCE_WIDGET::event + 0x4d (sld_sedq)
  Quartus          0x1483f: QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper + 0x10f (Qt5Widgets)
  Quartus          0x138c2: QApplication::notify + 0x18b2 (Qt5Widgets)
  Quartus         0x1d4439: QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2 + 0xb9 (Qt5Core)
  Quartus         0x1d6194: QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents + 0x214 (Qt5Core)
  Quartus          0x5a76e: qt_plugin_query_metadata + 0x1f0e (qwindows)
  Quartus         0x21d573: QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents + 0x73 (Qt5Core)
  Quartus          0x5a748: qt_plugin_query_metadata + 0x1ee8 (qwindows)
  Quartus         0x1d086b: QEventLoop::exec + 0x1bb (Qt5Core)
  Quartus         0x1d3403: QCoreApplication::exec + 0x153 (Qt5Core)
  Quartus           0x2c2e: qgq_main + 0x7e (quartus)
  Quartus          0x280a8: msg_main_thread + 0x18 (ccl_msg)
  Quartus          0x29282: msg_thread_wrapper + 0x82 (ccl_msg)
  Quartus          0x2b063: mem_thread_wrapper + 0x73 (ccl_mem)
  Quartus          0x25e6f: msg_exe_main + 0x17f (ccl_msg)
  Quartus           0x4466: WinMain + 0x156 (quartus)
  Quartus           0x3971: __scrt_common_main_seh + 0x105 (quartus)
  Quartus          0x17343: BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x13 (KERNEL32)
  Quartus          0x526b0: RtlUserThreadStart + 0x20 (ntdll)

Executable: quartus

System Information
Platform: windows64
OS name: Windows 10
OS version: 10.0.19045

Quartus Prime Information
Address bits: 64
Version: 23.4.0
Build: 79
Edition: Pro Edition


Labels (1)
0 Kudos
5 Replies
Honored Contributor II
Signaltap also runs in standalone Programmer and Tools, you can install a previous version to check if the problem is related to your installation or Quartus version.
0 Kudos

I could not find this internal error in our database. Could you help to share your design .qar file (Project> Achieve Project) that could duplicate this error?

We will need to duplicate the error as without the error duplication from our side, it would be hard to find a workaround/solution.

This will requires the engineering team to investigate on this and please keep in mind that any work involving our engineering team may take some time, ranging from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the complexity of the issue.

Thank you for your understanding.


Richard Tan

0 Kudos

Any updates on this?

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

0 Kudos



I was trying to provide an update on Friday, but the forum website evidently had problems - I kept getting redirected to login while writing my post.  I finally had to give up after many tries. 


Regarding Quartus crashing, I have found that re-installing Quartus from scratch did not resolve the problem.  Also, when I performed a fresh Git checkout of the project (all source), Quartus still crashed. 


Regarding submitting a full archive, this will be a problem due to the sensitivity of the project. 


I plan to spend some time this week seeing if a simpler, non-sensitive project also crashes.  If so, I'll be happy to submit it. 


Thank you,



0 Kudos

We noticed that we haven't received a response from you regarding the latest previous question/reply/answer, and will now transitioning your inquiry to our community support. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your understanding.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Thank you for reaching out to us!


Best Regards,

Richard Tan

0 Kudos