Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16690 Discussions

Simulation/Testbench files in Quartus-II

Honored Contributor II

Hi All, 


In Quartus-II, how the tool distinguish between the RTL (design) and Simulation files? 


How should I add the Simulation/Testbench files to Quartus-II project? How should I mark them so that they will not take a part in the implementation flow?  


Thank you!
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

you enter a top level entity for Quartus, this can be done in the project settings. I beleve you can also rightclick a file in the fileslist and select "set as top level entity". as your top level won't include testbenches this is being taken care of automatically.

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Honored Contributor II

For RTL simulation files (.v or .vhd), Quartus cannot distinguish between synthesis and simulation files other than when you try to synthesize a simulation file that has commands that can't be synthesized. 


All you need to do in Quartus is add the synthesis files in the project settings, setting one of them as the top-level entity. Any files not in the settings, even if it is in your project directory, will not be used for synthesis.
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Honored Contributor II

Quartus is not a simulation tool. You should only include RTL design files. 

Simulation files should only be included in a simulation tool (like modelsim)
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Honored Contributor II


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Quartus is not a simulation tool. You should only include RTL design files. 

Simulation files should only be included in a simulation tool (like modelsim) 

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I also use Quartus as my editor and for quick access to testbences I also include these in my project. I never had problems with that. I even have some tcl scripts in there. I am not saying itis good practice, only that it doesn't cause problems for me if I do.
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Honored Contributor II


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I also use Quartus as my editor and for quick access to testbences I also include these in my project. I never had problems with that. I even have some tcl scripts in there. I am not saying itis good practice, only that it doesn't cause problems for me if I do. 

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Thats fine - the OP was asking about adding files to the project. 

I have also edited random stuff in quartus - but if you add them to the project it will try and compile them and fail.
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