Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Solution To Fatal Error


Problem Details


*** Fatal Error: Access Violation at 0X00007FFB76BF851B

Module: quartus.exe

Stack Trace:

0x851a: SetDefaultContext + 0x130a (AMHook)

0xae52: CBTProc + 0x92 (AMHook)

0x240b5: IsRectEmpty + 0x185 (USER32)

0x2e813: UpdateLayeredWindowIndirect + 0xf3 (USER32)

0x9fe13: KiUserCallbackDispatcher + 0x23 (ntdll)

0x1523: NtUserSetWindowPos + 0x13 (win32u)

0xc3c14: Ordinal20 + 0x36364 (Comctl32)

0x4262e: EnumMRUListW + 0x340e (Comctl32)

0x9f1bd: Ordinal20 + 0x1190d (Comctl32)

0x6f17a: Ordinal395 + 0x5fa (Comctl32)

0x163ec: CallWindowProcW + 0x3bc (USER32)

0x159fb: SendMessageW + 0x38b (USER32)

0x15767: SendMessageW + 0xf7 (USER32)

0x130ab7: DllGetVersion + 0x30557 (explorerframe)

0x130b3b: DllGetVersion + 0x305db (explorerframe)

0xc735: Ordinal129 + 0xc735 (explorerframe)

0x7428: Ordinal129 + 0x7428 (explorerframe)

0xcdf6: Ordinal129 + 0xcdf6 (explorerframe)

0x1064f: DUserPostEvent + 0x2bf (DUser)

0xcc2f: RegisterGadgetProperty + 0x8ff (DUser)

0xc895: RegisterGadgetProperty + 0x565 (DUser)

0xcf85: GetMessageExA + 0x265 (DUser)

0xce61: GetMessageExA + 0x141 (DUser)

0x24b93: GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext + 0xc3 (USER32)

0x9fe13: KiUserCallbackDispatcher + 0x23 (ntdll)

0x10c3: NtUserPeekMessage + 0x13 (win32u)

0x19cc1: PeekMessageW + 0x1e1 (USER32)

0x2c4a0: DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 0x350 (USER32)

0x2c2de: DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 0x18e (USER32)

0x2c1a1: DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW + 0x51 (USER32)

0x2c137: DialogBoxIndirectParamW + 0x17 (USER32)

0x2c22c: DllCanUnloadNow + 0x281c (COMDLG32)

0x15829: GetFileTitleW + 0x13fc9 (COMDLG32)

0x41562e: QFileDialog::mode + 0x1be (QtGui4)

0x415ee3: QFileDialog::mode + 0xa73 (QtGui4)

0x42cbf8: QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory + 0x128 (QtGui4)

0xadc9c: AFCQ_NATIVE_FILE_DLG_IMPL::exec + 0x7c (GCL_AFCQ)

0x10f1e: BMWQ_NPW_NAME::browse_clicked + 0x21e (sys_bmwq)

0x11c420: QMetaObject::activate + 0x520 (QtCore4)

0xa47ad: AFCQ_LINE_EDIT_BROWSE_BUTTON::browse_clicked + 0x2d (GCL_AFCQ)

0x11c420: QMetaObject::activate + 0x520 (QtCore4)

0x58c682: QAbstractButton::clicked + 0x32 (QtGui4)

0x343d9e: QAbstractButton::click + 0x51e (QtGui4)

0x343a17: QAbstractButton::click + 0x197 (QtGui4)

0x344899: QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent + 0x59 (QtGui4)

0x3f031e: QToolButton::mouseReleaseEvent + 0xe (QtGui4)

0x60794: QWidget::event + 0xd4 (QtGui4)

0x22e95: QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper + 0xf5 (QtGui4)

0x21a8e: QApplication::notify + 0x71e (QtGui4)

0x10d92b: QCoreApplication::notifyInternal + 0x7b (QtCore4)

0x25cfe: QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent + 0x1de (QtGui4)

0x856f0: QScrollBar::trUtf8 + 0x1440 (QtGui4)

0x890b1: QApplication::winMouseButtonUp + 0x2761 (QtGui4)

0x163ec: CallWindowProcW + 0x3bc (USER32)

0x15de1: DispatchMessageW + 0x1f1 (USER32)

0x132802: QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents + 0x3e2 (QtCore4)

0x80eb4: QApplicationPrivate::openPopup + 0x204 (QtGui4)

0x10a88b: QEventLoop::exec + 0x22b (QtCore4)

0x423660: QDialog::exec + 0xf0 (QtGui4)

0x4d2b: bmwq_dyn_new_project_wizard + 0x6fb (sys_bmwq)

0x46dfd: QUI_PRJ_UI_MGR::new_prj_wiz_action + 0x2fd (SYS_QUI)

0x45c4: SSCQ_JS_BRIDGE::new_project_wizard + 0x94 (sys_sscq)

0x3839: SSCQ_JS_BRIDGE::qt_static_metacall + 0x79 (sys_sscq)

0x4ad0: SSCQ_JS_BRIDGE::qt_metacall + 0x40 (sys_sscq)

0x46823f: DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::DumpRenderTreeSupportQt + 0xe16ff (QtWebKit4)

0x8529e5: JSValueUnprotect + 0x15335 (QtWebKit4)

0x84bbac: JSValueUnprotect + 0xe4fc (QtWebKit4)

0x845d3b: JSValueUnprotect + 0x868b (QtWebKit4)

0x2cd08f: DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::defaultMinimumTimerInterval + 0x1cdbf (QtWebKit4)

0x2cd43d: DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::defaultMinimumTimerInterval + 0x1d16d (QtWebKit4)

0x2b2c27: DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::defaultMinimumTimerInterval + 0x2957 (QtWebKit4)

0x2b2cf8: DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::defaultMinimumTimerInterval + 0x2a28 (QtWebKit4)

0x2aa26d: QWebSettings::handle + 0x39fd (QtWebKit4)

0x57606c: QWebHistoryInterface::qt_static_metacall + 0x2953c (QtWebKit4)

0x2e3c26: QWebHitTestResult::QWebHitTestResult + 0xb946 (QtWebKit4)

0x5762bb: QWebHistoryInterface::qt_static_metacall + 0x2978b (QtWebKit4)

0x2a8cfb: QWebSettings::handle + 0x248b (QtWebKit4)

0x4055f7: DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::DumpRenderTreeSupportQt + 0x7eab7 (QtWebKit4)

0x408548: DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::DumpRenderTreeSupportQt + 0x81a08 (QtWebKit4)

0x20a20e: QWebPage::qt_static_metacall + 0x1c0e (QtWebKit4)

0x20edaa: QWebPage::event + 0xaa (QtWebKit4)

0x217e8a: QWebView::mouseDoubleClickEvent + 0x2a (QtWebKit4)

0x60794: QWidget::event + 0xd4 (QtGui4)

0x217940: QWebView::event + 0x110 (QtWebKit4)

0x22e95: QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper + 0xf5 (QtGui4)

0x21a8e: QApplication::notify + 0x71e (QtGui4)

0x10d92b: QCoreApplication::notifyInternal + 0x7b (QtCore4)

0x25cfe: QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent + 0x1de (QtGui4)

0x856f0: QScrollBar::trUtf8 + 0x1440 (QtGui4)

0x890b1: QApplication::winMouseButtonUp + 0x2761 (QtGui4)

0x163ec: CallWindowProcW + 0x3bc (USER32)

0x15de1: DispatchMessageW + 0x1f1 (USER32)

0x132802: QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents + 0x3e2 (QtCore4)

0x80eb4: QApplicationPrivate::openPopup + 0x204 (QtGui4)

0x10a88b: QEventLoop::exec + 0x22b (QtCore4)

0x10ce6f: QCoreApplication::exec + 0xdf (QtCore4)

0x197b: qgq_main + 0x7b (quartus)

0x12e98: msg_main_thread + 0x18 (CCL_MSG)

0x1467e: msg_thread_wrapper + 0x6e (CCL_MSG)

0x16660: mem_thread_wrapper + 0x70 (ccl_mem)





Executable: quartus




System Information

Platform: windows64

OS name: Windows 10

OS version: 10.0


Quartus Prime Information

Address bits: 64

Version: 18.1.0

Build: 625

Edition: Lite Edition


0 Kudos
3 Replies
Valued Contributor II

This looks like some other program or software is blocking Quartus execution. Check if another instance of Quartus or its tools are running in the background and also make sure you have sufficient read+write privileges in the directory and files (project).

0 Kudos



May I know when did you see this error? Is it before compilation or during compilation?



0 Kudos



May I know if you have any updates?



0 Kudos