Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16603 Discussions

Source-Synchoronous Interface: Edge Aligned SDR Clock constraint

Honored Contributor II



I am designing using a Cypress FX3 device (CYUSB3014-BZXC) and a Cyclone IV FPGA (EP4CE115F29C8). The FPGA has a external 50 MHz oscillator. The design should run @ 100 MHz. To do this I have an internal PLL to generate it.  

The FX3 device has a 32 bits source synchronous interface running @100MHz clock coming from the FPGA. The FX3 device receive the data center-aligned.  

As guidance for the port name I has the following ones: 


module SLAVE_FIFO_STREAM_IN( input CLOCK_50, //input clp 50 Mhz inout FX3_DQ, //data bus output FX3_faddr, //output fifo address output FX3_slrd, //output read select output FX3_slwr, //output write select input FX3_flaga, //full flag input FX3_flagb, //partial full flag input FX3_flagc, //empty flag input FX3_flagd, //empty partial flag output FX3_sloe, //output output enable select output FX3_CLK, //output clk 100 Mhz and 180 phase shift output FX3_slcs, //output chip select output FX3_pktend, //output pkt end output FX3_PMODE, output FX3_RESET, output FX3_PMODE_2 //used for debugging );  


I already set the next into my design: 


1) An altddio_out_component to shift the out clock 180° (Connected the datain_h(1'b0) and datain_l(1'b1) to make it) 

2) I already set the output parallel interface as: "set_instance_assignment -name FAST_OUTPUT_REGISTER ON" 

3) My SDC constraints are the next ones: 


set_time_format -unit ns -decimal_places 3 # **************************************************************# Create Clock# ************************************************************** create_clock -name CLOCK_50M -period 20.000 create_generated_clock -name CLOCK_100M -multiply_by 2 -source }] }] # **************************************************************# Create Generated Clock# ************************************************************** # Put a generated clock on output clock port to be referenced by set_output_delay constraints. Note the -invert option, which says the clock is being inverted on the way out. This is important# since Quartus doesn't recognize the DDR output with VCC/GND switched as inverting the clock create_generated_clock -source }] -name CLOCK_FX3 -invert set_false_path -to # Constrain the PLL automatically derive_pll_clocks -create_base_clocks # **************************************************************# Set Clock Uncertainty# ************************************************************** derive_clock_uncertainty # ################################################################################ Parameters# ############################################################################### # Specify the maximum external clock delay to the FPGA set FX3_CLKs_max 0# Specify the minimum external clock delay to the FPGA set FX3_CLKs_min 0# Specify the maximum external clock delay to the external device set FX3_CLKd_max 0# Specify the minimum external clock delay to the external device set FX3_CLKd_min 0# Specify the maximum setup time of the external device set FX3_tSU 2# Specify the minimum setup time of the external device set FX3_tH 0.5# Specify the maximum board delay set FX3_BD_max 0# Specify the minimum board delay set FX3_BD_min 0 # Specify the maximum clock-to-out of the external device set FX3_tCO_max 9# Specify the minimum clock-to-out of the external device set FX3_tCO_min 2 # ################################################################################ Output constraints# ############################################################################### set_output_delay -clock CLOCK_FX3 -max set_output_delay -clock CLOCK_FX3 -min -add_delay # ################################################################################ Input constraints# ############################################################################### set_input_delay -clock CLOCK_FX3 -max set_input_delay -clock CLOCK_FX3 -min  


I have been reviewing the Timequest guides provided in the AlteraWiki and the corresponding manuals. But I cannot evacuate the next doubt: 


As the design has a clock offset of 180° between the launch and the latch clock, (relative to the outputs to the device) I do not know which is the right way to constraint this. I should use a set_multicycle_path command? The design has a synchonizer between the register coming from the external device, but I do not know how tell this to Timequest. 


I attached a zipped file for the design if this is easier to understand. 


Thanks in advance. 


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