Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16603 Discussions

SystemVerilog compile error when casting

Honored Contributor II

I am having a problem with Quartus II when trying to cast something in a SystemVerilog file. I have double checked that the file is being compiled as SystemVerilog. My Quartus II version is 9.0. 


Here is my enum (I removed some of the entries for the sake of a shorter post.) 

package opcode; typedef enum logic { LD = 6'd1, ST, AND, OR } opcode; endpackage: opcode 

In the module I have these port declarations: 

input instruction_word ins_data, output opcode::opcode instructionWhen I try to do: 

assign instruction = ins_data;I get this error message: 


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Error (10928): SystemVerilog error at packed array type cannot be assigned to enum type - enum target requires cast 

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But when I try to do a cast like so: 

assign instruction = opcode::opcode'(ins_data);I get this error message: 


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Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at near text "'"; expecting ";", or "," 

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I have a book on SystemVerilog which confirms I am supposedly casting correctly. Some Google searches have also indicated as such. 


So what am I missing? I have tried wrapping the data type in parenthesis in case the double colon was messing it up and that didn't help either.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Quartus 9.0 issue, I think. 

With 9.0 (windows) I get the same error, with 9.1 (linux) it compiles fine.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Quartus 9.0 issue, I think. 

With 9.0 (windows) I get the same error, with 9.1 (linux) it compiles fine. 

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Yep that was it. Thanks!
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