Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16706 Discussions

UART and MODELSIM ALTERA (code attached)

Honored Contributor II

Hi dears.  



I am trying to use a (slightly) modified version of the UART explained in a tutorial I've found, after reading some theory about. 



There is one UART entity which has two components - TX and RX, which in turn, operate with 9600bps in transmition and reception of bytes. 



The UART has two serial ports and two "parallel" ports for doing serial<->parallel conversion. 



The simulation results (for RX) can be visualized here: 



My doubt: I am writing one byte 11111111 in the parallel_tx sign and I expect it to be passed to UART_RXD (not occurring in simulation). 



All the right sided signals are included in the sensitive list of all process as taught me here (the original code had not). 


I can't see any syntax erro on the codes (I had not noted any appointment in the comments where I took it from (Toni Axe, youtube)). 


note: I see that the RX and TX codes are written just with one process, with IFs operating as states (not using switch as I usually do). 


Any help will be appreciated (I created this post after 3 days trying to do it "by my self" in my DE2).  




PS: I am using 20000 ps clock period.
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29 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Thank Tricky, I will try it but, as soon as I am modeling the uart through Flip-Flops,  

and using two signals to do in this way, I am thinking witch is the best practice to implement it.  

As a beginner Is it suggested to do it in the sequential logic process......or in the combinational part, outside the process? 



sequential logic process: 



port( rx: in std_logic ); 




-- two signals representing the Next State Logic register for a byte comming in port rx. 

signal b_reg, b_next: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 


-- other two signals representing the other register 

signal other_b_reg, other_b_next: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 


process(clk, reset) 



-- next state logic for b and... 

b_reg <= b_next; 

-- ...the other register. 

other_b_next <= b_reg; 

other_b_reg <= other_b_next; 



combinational logic: 




end process; 


process(sensitivity list) 


end process; 




--outside the process. 

b_reg <= b_next; 

other_b_next <= b_reg; 

other_b_reg <= other_b_next; 



or even do i need another case statment in the finite state machine process just to pass the value from one signal to the other? 


It seems that we have a hot topic here (Views: >1,218). 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

just register them directly: 


signal rd_r : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal serial_rx_r : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then serial_rx_r <= serial_rx_r(0) & serial_rx; rd_r <= rd_r(0) & rd; end if; end if;  


Then use rd_r(1) instead of the origional input "rd" and the same for serial_rx
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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just register them directly: 


signal rd_r : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal serial_rx_r : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then serial_rx_r <= serial_rx_r(0) & serial_rx; rd_r <= rd_r(0) & rd; end if; end if;  


Then use rd_r(1) instead of the origional input "rd" and the same for serial_rx 

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Hi tricky, I am doing this already, for example, in the line 110 from the rx_uart.vhd: 


-- left concatenate the new bit, assuming the bits are sent LSB to MSB byte_next <= rx & byte_reg(7 downto 1); 



Maybe the problem is with the FIFO megafunction? 


I am using the SCFIFO from altera. So, the input "rd" from this SCFIFO is connected with the output "rx_done_tick" from rx_uart.vhd. 


Maybe I should use the DCFIFO, which I read that it is better for deal with metastability. 


I noted too that the counter from mod_27.vhdl does not flash the leds to indicate that the counter inside is working. 

The outputs in this vhdl file are in this way: 


-- output logic q <= std_logic_vector(r_reg); max_tick <= '1' when r_reg=(M-1) else '0'; 


I think it should be corrected as you said. I'll try to double register these two outputs and test the counter first. 



Then I ll increment the circuitry with uart, then with the FIFO, and see if it works.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi tricky, I am doing this already, for example, in the line 110 from the rx_uart.vhd: 


-- left concatenate the new bit, assuming the bits are sent LSB to MSB byte_next <= rx & byte_reg(7 downto 1); 


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THis assumes that the rx input is already synchronised which it isnt. You need the double register BEFORE this to ensure you get real values, not a meta stable one inside the byte(0) register. 


The problem will not be the DCFIFO. THat also requires synchronised inputs.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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just register them directly: 


signal rd_r : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal serial_rx_r : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then serial_rx_r <= serial_rx_r(0) & serial_rx; rd_r <= rd_r(0) & rd; end if; end if;  


Then use rd_r(1) instead of the origional input "rd" and the same for serial_rx 

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I know it is a lot of questions but: 


I noted that you coded inside the reset process. I am doing this "shifting register" in another process where I've implemented the FSM. 


I have a process for clock and reset, and another process for FSM.  


Should I implement the double register in the clock/reset process? Not in the FSM process? 


This is causing to me some confusion.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Yes, it is. You have separated out all of your combinatorial logic into one process, and then registered it in another. 


Aslong as they are placed in a clocked process that uses the correct clock, then its fine.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Yes, it is. You have separated out all of your combinatorial logic into one process, and then registered it in another. 


Aslong as they are placed in a clocked process that uses the correct clock, then its fine. 

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-- register byte_reg syncronized; process(clk, reset) begin if (reset = '1') then state_reg <= idle; baud_cnt_reg <= (others => '0'); bits_cnt_reg <= (others => '0'); byte_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then state_reg <= state_next; baud_cnt_reg <= baud_cnt_next; bits_cnt_reg <= bits_cnt_next; byte_reg <= byte_next; end if; end process; ... -- left concatenate the new bit, assuming the bits are sent LSB to MSB -- other process (FSM). byte_next <= rx & byte_reg(7 downto 1); ... -- out of any process, combinatorial logic. -- Put the byte read on the output bus. dout <= byte_reg;
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Honored Contributor II


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Honored Contributor II


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hi friend, i need uart_rx , uart_tx , uart_testbench ; code for modelsim 

can you send it for me as soon AS possible? 

my mail: 

thanks alot
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