Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16835 Discussions

USB Blaster II shows as Cypress FX2LP No EEprom

Honored Contributor II



i have the Cyclone V Soc Dev. Board with the integrated USB Blaster II. 


When I powered the Board this morning the USB Blaster didn't show up in the device manager. Instead a unkown device has popped up.  

After doing a little research I found out that the device is the Cypress FX2. I attached an Image from the UBS Device Viewer. 


I'm a little confused because didn't change a jumper or anything else on the Board. 

Can anyone tell me how I get the USB Blaster back? :confused: 


Best Regards, 

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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Which Cyclone V Soc Kit? this one ( 


Could you have inadvertently erased the MAX II device, that forms part of the USB-Blaster solution? This CPLD can be used as the EEPROM for the Cypress part giving it's PID/VID - telling it it's a USB-Blaster. 


Alternatively, you've erased the Cypress device's internally stored descriptors (more likely), telling it it's a USB-Blaster. Assuming this case, Cypress will have a utility for programming these internal registers (as FTDI do, whose devices are used in other USB-Blasters), although I've never used the Cypress utility. Final hurdle, you'll need the set of values to program back into the Cypress part - which you're only likely to get by reading them out of a known good board. Confirm which board you're using and I may be able to provide these. 


This link may be the right cypress utility ( Download it and see if it can identify the Cypress device on your board. 



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Honored Contributor II

Hello Alex, 


thank you for youre answer. 



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Which Cyclone V Soc Kit? this one ( 

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Yes exactly, taht is the one I have. 



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Could you have inadvertently erased the MAX II device, that forms part of the USB-Blaster solution? This CPLD can be used as the EEPROM for the Cypress part giving it's PID/VID - telling it it's a USB-Blaster.  

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I'm not sure. How do can I proove it? 



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Alternatively, you've erased the Cypress device's internally stored descriptors (more likely), telling it it's a USB-Blaster. Assuming this case, Cypress will have a utility for programming these internal registers (as FTDI do, whose devices are used in other USB-Blasters), although I've never used the Cypress utility. Final hurdle, you'll need the set of values to program back into the Cypress part - which you're only likely to get by reading them out of a known good board. Confirm which board you're using and I may be able to provide these. 


This link may be the right cypress utility ( Download it and see if it can identify the Cypress device on your board.  

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I downloaded the CY3684 EZ-USB FX2LP DVK Setup from here. (  

There is a USB Control Center included with which you can Programm the FX2. I attached a picture of it. 

But therefore you need a Firmware File which I didn't have.
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Honored Contributor II

You should be able to read the contents of the Cypress part using the utility. Can you post the file here? We can probably determine from that whether the device has been erased or not. 


Unfortunately, I don't appear to have that kit. So, if it is blank we may have to look to the wider community for someone willing to read the EEPROM from their kit... 



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Honored Contributor II



I uploaded the Descriptor Info of the Cypress Device. It's the only thing that can be read with this tool.  


It would be nice if someone could upload the firmware for this device :) 



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