Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16604 Discussions

Using PLL "lock" signal as the async reset in Verilog

Honored Contributor II

If I want to use the PLL "lock' signal to work as an async reset, the "lock" signal will keep low after the FPGA is powered and goes high after a duration. If I won't reset my PLL, then it means "lock" siganl will never have a falling edge. If I power off the FPGA and power it again, it will have another rising edge. 


In this case, can I still write the Verilog as following: 


always @(posedge clk or negedge lock) 



if (lock == 1'b0) 








As I mentioned previously, since there is no falling edge for "lock", will the Verilog code work? I guess it will but I am not sure. 


Thanks in advance.
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13 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You do not want to use PLL lock as a reset signal directly. Not all PLL locked outputs have a debounce/deglitch filter, so they may toggle for a while before they stay in a static state. 


Download the code associated with this PCIe test 


There's a deglitch/debounce filter in there you can use to "clean-up" the locked signal. You can then decide whether to use the "clean" signal as a synchronous or asynchronous reset signal. 



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Honored Contributor II


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You do not want to use PLL lock as a reset signal directly. Not all PLL locked outputs have a debounce/deglitch filter, so they may toggle for a while before they stay in a static state. 


Download the code associated with this PCIe test 


There's a deglitch/debounce filter in there you can use to "clean-up" the locked signal. You can then decide whether to use the "clean" signal as a synchronous or asynchronous reset signal. 




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Hi Dave, 


Thanks very much to mention this. I will be very careful to use the lock of PLL as the reset. 


I still want to be clear about my question. Let's assume the lock from PLL is a clean signal. Can I write the verilog code as my previous post? 


Thanks very much.
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Honored Contributor II


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Let's assume the lock from PLL is a clean signal. Can I write the verilog code as my previous post? 


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Yes. For example, lets say you have an external reset (from a reset supervisor) and your PLL lock signal. A simple register would be ... 


assign rstN = lock & ext_rstN; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstN) if (~rstN) q <= 1'b0; else q <= d;  


However, keep in mind that you would normally want to synchronize the reset source to each clock domain, i.e., rstN should be synchronized to clk, otherwise you will run into reset timing issues. 



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Honored Contributor II


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Yes. For example, lets say you have an external reset (from a reset supervisor) and your PLL lock signal. A simple register would be ... 


assign rstN = lock & ext_rstN; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstN) if (~rstN) q <= 1'b0; else q <= d;  


However, keep in mind that you would normally want to synchronize the reset source to each clock domain, i.e., rstN should be synchronized to clk, otherwise you will run into reset timing issues. 




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Thanks very much, Dave. Yes, I need to synchronize the reset otherswise I may have problem in reset deassert.  


The example you took is a little different from what I mentioned since the " external reset " will have the falling edge. But just assume I don't have this external reset, I only have "lock" signal as the reset and I won't have falling edge in normal case, can I still put : 


negedge lock into the always sensitive list?  


Or ask in anther way, if there is only low voltage level in "lock", there is no falling edge, whether this lock signal can still trigger the reset or not? 


Thanks very much.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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if there is only low voltage level in "lock", there is no falling edge, whether this lock signal can still trigger the reset or not? 


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If you use lock as an active-low reset, and it never goes high, then your logic will remain in reset. 


Conversely, if you have an active low reset signal, eg., rstN, and it never goes low, the reset condition will never occur. You will see this in simulation, in that a signal will never take on its reset value, but instead will take on the default value for the data type used in the process. In VHDL you can write something like this to set the "power-on" default condition for a signal 


signal q : std_logic := '0'; -- power-on condition signal rstN : std_logic := '1'; -- never asserts low process(clk, rstN) begin if (rstN = '0') then q <= '0'; -- never occurs elsif rising_edge(clk) then q <= d; end if; end process;  


Verilog will have a similar construct. 



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Honored Contributor II


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If you use lock as an active-low reset, and it never goes high, then your logic will remain in reset. 


Conversely, if you have an active low reset signal, eg., rstN, and it never goes low, the reset condition will never occur. You will see this in simulation, in that a signal will never take on its reset value, but instead will take on the default value for the data type used in the process. In VHDL you can write something like this to set the "power-on" default condition for a signal 


signal q : std_logic := '0'; -- power-on condition signal rstN : std_logic := '1'; -- never asserts low process(clk, rstN) begin if (rstN = '0') then q <= '0'; -- never occurs elsif rising_edge(clk) then q <= d; end if; end process;  


Verilog will have a similar construct. 




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It seems my statement "there is only low voltage level in "lock"" is confusing. "only low voltage" I mean is since after power on the FPGA, we will see the "lock" be low, then goes high later. So we will never see the lock signal has a falling edge if we don't reset the PLL.  


I think I should ask the question in another way. In Verilog, when I put the reset signal into the sensitive list, does Verilog really care is the reset edge or reset voltage level?  


I think it really cares is reset voltage level. This is because as you mentioned in VHDL, when we put the reset signal into the Process sensitive list, we even don't care whether is rising edge or falling edge. 



Thanks very much.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I also have the question about initial value for signal in VHDL. 


As you mentioned " signal q : std_logic := '0'; -- power-on condition ". Is this command synthesisable which make the signal q be "0" after power (don't need to do reset)? Or is this just for simulation? 



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Honored Contributor II


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I mean is since after power on the FPGA, we will see the "lock" be low, then goes high later. So we will never see the lock signal has a falling edge if we don't reset the PLL.  


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The negedge statement is so the Verilog understands you are using the signal as an asynchronous reset. It does not matter if there actually is a negedge. 



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Is this command synthesisable which make the signal q be "0" after power (don't need to do reset)? Or is this just for simulation? 


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This is synthesizeable - it tells the compiler what the initial register state is in the download bit-stream. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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The negedge statement is so the Verilog understands you are using the signal as an asynchronous reset. It does not matter if there actually is a negedge. 



This is synthesizeable - it tells the compiler what the initial register state is in the download bit-stream. 




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Thanks very much, Dave.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Thanks very much, Dave. 

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You're welcome! 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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You do not want to use PLL lock as a reset signal directly. Not all PLL locked outputs have a debounce/deglitch filter, so they may toggle for a while before they stay in a static state. 


Download the code associated with this PCIe test 


There's a deglitch/debounce filter in there you can use to "clean-up" the locked signal. You can then decide whether to use the "clean" signal as a synchronous or asynchronous reset signal. 




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Hi Dave, 


First of all I hope you don't mind about my english, it's not my mother language. I'd like to know why you set the locked filter time to 0.5ms (25000 cycles in 50MHz), since Cyclone IV DS indicates Tlock = 1ms I figured out it might be set to 50000. Can you tell me more about it? 




0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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This is synthesizeable - it tells the compiler what the initial register state is in the download bit-stream. 


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Would this be the 'initial' block?? Or is there something else?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Would this be the 'initial' block?? Or is there something else? 

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Synthesis tools do not support initial blocks very consistently. If you want to have an FPGA power-up with a particular value in a register you can assign that value during the initialization of the signal. For example; 


logic [31:0] regA = 32'h12345678; 

signal regA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := X"12345678"; 


You can chose to override these values in the reset part of a clocked process. 



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