Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16837 Discussions

Using TCL Scripts to Simulate Quartus Design

Honored Contributor II

Hello, I've been using the built in simulator within Quartus for many years, but now I'm getting more interested in ModelSim. I've seen some Quartus projects that use TCL scripts in ModelSim that will compile the Quartus project, and then call another script to display the signals/registers in the waveform window and also call another script to display memory reads/writes to a browser window.  


I am not a TCL expert and was wondering if anyone had a simple example that I could learn from.  



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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Typically the TCL scripts are used to launch the ModelSim tools and set up things, then they launch a ModelSim ".do" file. 'do files are exactly as they are named, the tell the tool to "do" stuff. That can be the same stuff that you would type if you were running the tools from the command prompt. - Open windows, add signals to the display, even run other .do files. so you can sort of build up collections of things that you would like to "do". 


I suspect that you can learn most of this in the free online tcl training, as well as the ModelSim training courses on the web. 

Good luck.
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