Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

VHDL: DE2 Lab4 part1

Honored Contributor II


I'm trying to follow lab 4, but am having problems. I was just told that my TFF was garbage, and it was pretty poetic, I wish i could post it for comic-relief, but anyway, I'd like to ask what you guys think of my TFF 


entity myTFF is port( T, Clk, Reset : in std_logic; Q : out std_logic ); end myTFF; architecture behavioral of myTFF is signal buf : std_logic; begin process(T, Clk, Reset) begin if(reset = '1') then buf <= '0'; end if; if(Clk = '1') then if(T = '1')then buf <= (NOT buf); end if; end if; end process; Q <= buf; end behavioral;  

would love some feedback 


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13 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You have to look at the edge of the clock, not the level. 


if (clk = '1') then become 

if rising_edge(Clk) then About the reset, if it is asynchronous, the first test must be on it and the second on the clock (use if, elsif), else if it is synchronous the first test is on the clock and the second is on the reset.
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Honored Contributor II

Hmm thanks for the seggestion, but now it does nothing. I guess that takes me to my next question, Is this mess what altera was suggesting by using 16 TFFs to make the counter? :) 


LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; entity TFFcounter16bit is port ( enable, clk, rst : in std_logic; Qpin : out unsigned(15 downto 0) ); end TFFcounter16bit; architecture wowee of TFFcounter16bit is signal Qout : unsigned(15 downto 0); begin myTFF0 : entity work.myTFF port map( enable, clk, rst, Qout(0)); myTFF1 : entity work.myTFF port map( (enable AND Qout(0)), clk, rst, Qout(1)); myTFF2 : entity work.myTFF port map( ((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1) ), clk, rst, Qout(2)); myTFF3 : entity work.myTFF port map( (((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2) ), clk, rst, Qout(3)); myTFF4 : entity work.myTFF port map( ((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3) ), clk, rst, Qout(4)); myTFF5 : entity work.myTFF port map( (((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)), clk, rst, Qout(5)); myTFF6 : entity work.myTFF port map( ((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)), clk, rst, Qout(6)); myTFF7 : entity work.myTFF port map( (((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)) AND Qout(6)), clk, rst, Qout(7)); myTFF8 : entity work.myTFF port map( ((((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)) AND Qout(6)) AND Qout(7)), clk, rst, Qout(8)); myTFF9 : entity work.myTFF port map( (((((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)) AND Qout(6)) AND Qout(7)) AND Qout(8)), clk, rst, Qout(9)); myTFF10 : entity work.myTFF port map( ((((((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)) AND Qout(6)) AND Qout(7)) AND Qout(8)) AND Qout(9)), clk, rst, Qout(10)); myTFF11 : entity work.myTFF port map( (((((((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)) AND Qout(6)) AND Qout(7)) AND Qout(8)) AND Qout(9)) AND Qout(10)), clk, rst, Qout(11)); myTFF12 : entity work.myTFF port map( ((((((((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)) AND Qout(6)) AND Qout(7)) AND Qout(8)) AND Qout(9)) AND Qout(10)) AND Qout(11)), clk, rst, Qout(12)); myTFF13 : entity work.myTFF port map( (((((((((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)) AND Qout(6)) AND Qout(7)) AND Qout(8)) AND Qout(9)) AND Qout(10)) AND Qout(11)) AND Qout(12)), clk, rst, Qout(13)); myTFF14 : entity work.myTFF port map( ((((((((((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)) AND Qout(6)) AND Qout(7)) AND Qout(8)) AND Qout(9)) AND Qout(10)) AND Qout(11)) AND Qout(12)) AND Qout(13)), clk, rst, Qout(14)); myTFF15 : entity work.myTFF port map( (((((((((((((((enable AND Qout(0)) AND Qout(1)) AND Qout(2)) AND Qout(3)) AND Qout(4)) AND Qout(5)) AND Qout(6)) AND Qout(7)) AND Qout(8)) AND Qout(9)) AND Qout(10)) AND Qout(11)) AND Qout(12)) AND Qout(13)) AND Qout(14)), clk, rst, Qout(15)); Qpin <= Qout; end wowee;
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Honored Contributor II

Can you put your modified code of myTFF ?

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Honored Contributor II


LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.numeric_std.all; entity myTFF is port( T, Clk, Reset : in std_logic; Q : out std_logic ); end myTFF; architecture behavioral of myTFF is signal buf : std_logic; begin process(T, Clk, Reset) begin if(reset = '1') then buf <= '0'; elsif(rising_edge(Clk))then if(T = '1')then buf <= (NOT buf); end if; end if; end process; Q <= buf; end behavioral;
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Honored Contributor II

This is correct, except that you don't need to put T signal in the sensitivity list of the process, because the output can change only when the reset is active, or on clock edge.

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Honored Contributor II

ok, but just for the sake of asking, the T being in the sensitivity list wont affect anything will it? 



And if you're saying that everything looks ok, then there's something wrong with my logic in that scary looking counter. maybe i'll just make a 2-bit one to debug before i move on.
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Honored Contributor II

Put T in the sensitivity list will not change the behaviour, but it is possible that the logic generated be different, I am not sure on it. You can check that with the RTL viewer in Quartus after compilation. 


About the counter, there are two things. The first is that I am not sure if you can put equation instead of a signal as a parameter of port map. I would advise to create a signal for inputs of each TFF, and moreover this will simplify the equation. Here you have an example : 


signal T : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0); ... T(0) <= enable; T(1) <= Qout(0) & T(0); T(2) <= Qout(1) & T(1); ... myTFFi : entity work.myTFF port map( T(i), clk, rst, Qout(i)); Secondly, you declare Qout as unsigned, whereas output of TFF is std_logic, it is not coherent (Quartus did not give you an error about this ?) You can declare Qout as std_logic_vector, it is not needed to use unsigned since you don't make arithmetic operation on it.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Secondly, you declare Qout as unsigned, whereas output of TFF is std_logic, it is not coherent (Quartus did not give you an error about this ?) You can declare Qout as std_logic_vector, it is not needed to use unsigned since you don't make arithmetic operation on it. 

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Theres nothing wrong with that. Unsigned is an array of std_logic, so Qout(n) is a std_logic.
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Honored Contributor II

I am not totally ok with you. Unsigned is std_logic but with a particular signification. You can assigned an unsigned to a std_logic (I discovered it just now, I did not think that it was possible), but not an unsigned to a std_logic_vector. Here there is an example, with this code : 


library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity Example is port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; outputScalar : out std_logic; outputVector : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ); end Example; architecture arch_Example of Example is signal counter : unsigned(9 downto 0); begin outputVector <= counter; outputScalar <= counter(0); process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then counter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then counter <= counter + 1; end if; end process; end architecture arch_Example; Quartus will give you the following error : 


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Error (10476): VHDL error at Example.vhd(22): type of identifier "counter" does not agree with its usage as "std_logic_vector" type 


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And you have to use the following code 

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity Example is port ( clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; outputScalar : out std_logic; outputVector : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ); end Example; architecture arch_Example of Example is signal counter : unsigned(9 downto 0); begin outputVector <= std_logic_vector(counter); outputScalar <= counter(0); process(reset, clock) begin if reset = '1' then counter <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clock) then counter <= counter + 1; end if; end process; end architecture arch_Example; But now, I am ok with the fact that he did not get an error, but anyway it is always better to be coherent between signal and use unsigned only if it is needed.
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Honored Contributor II

A std_logic vector is really just a single bit. 


std_logic_vector and unsigned are both an array of std_logic. As they are closely related types but not the same type, a type conversion is required, as you demonstrated. 


The ONLY difference between unsigned and std_logic_vector is that they are declared separately. They are named differently for abstraction and understanding purposes. At the end of the day, they are synthesized into the same thing. Unsigned/signed have a package of useful function in the form of numeric_std that does arithmatic on them. Std_logic_vector does not have an IEEE package for arithmatic (until VHDL 2008). 



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But now, I am ok with the fact that he did not get an error, but anyway it is always better to be coherent between signal and use unsigned only if it is needed. 


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So whats wrong with leaving it as unsigned?
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Honored Contributor II

In this case, what can be the interest to use an unsigned ? 


I am ok that it will not change the systhesis result, but personnaly I use types according to what they do. I use std_logic_vector if it is not a number or if they is no particular operation on it, and I use signed and unsigned if the vector corresponds to a number and if I have to make arithmetic operation on it.
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Honored Contributor II

my only reason for using unsigned( that i can remember right now ) is cause it was recommended to me. Oh, and there are certain conversion functions that aren't IEEE when using std_logic_vector, that are when using unsigned. Whatever works for now :) 


And thanks, I was thinking of using a T() signal but wasn't sure how I would go about implementing it. Thanks for showing me that it wasn't that complicated. Now, it seems that my HEX ROM is a little buggy. But maybe that should be in another topic, since i think i want to ask what people see is wrong with it, and what would i use to debug it.  


Actually, I guess I should ask here, since it's about Lab1 :) 


Here's my HEX ROM: 

entity HEX is port( HEXcnt : in unsigned(3 downto 0); HEXOut : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) ); end HEX; architecture behavioral of HEX is signal HEXInt : integer; type SegROM is array (0 to 9) of std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); constant segStates : SegROM := ( 0 => "1000000", 1 => "1111001", 2 => "0100100", 3 => "0110000", 4 => "0011001", 5 => "0010010", 6 => "0000010", 7 => "1111000", 8 => "0000000", 9 => "0010000", -- others => (others => '0')); others => "1000000"); begin process(HEXcnt, HEXInt) begin HEXInt <= to_integer(unsigned(HEXcnt)); HEXOut <= segStates(HEXInt); end process; end behavioral; 

when using the top-level file that i'll post below, i go from 0-9 fine, but after that, I get a backward looking 9 and 4 more characters from the array list above, as if my counter is going to 16. it is 4-bit, but i only want it to go to 9 before resetting to 0 and moving and incrementing the 10s place Seg. 


entity part1 is port( KEY : in std_logic; SW : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); HEX0, HEX1 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) ); end part1; architecture behavioral of part1 is --create digits to represent the decimal number subtype digit is integer range 0 to 9; signal h1 : digit; --use to convert the digits to slv signal hv1 : unsigned(3 downto 0); signal Qout : unsigned(15 downto 0); signal Nout : integer; begin cnt16 : entity work.TFFcounter16bit port map(SW(1), KEY, SW(0), Qout); seg0 : entity work.HEX port map(Qout(3 downto 0), HEX0); seg1 : entity work.HEX port map(hv1, HEX1); process(Nout, h1) begin if((Nout > 9) AND (Nout < 99)) then h1 <= h1 + 1; end if; end process; Nout <= to_integer(unsigned(Qout)); hv1 <= to_unsigned(h1, hv1'length); end behavioral;
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Honored Contributor II

silly me, I'm trying to get it to display as decimal. It's telling me to use hex. sucks really, I would have loved to make it work in decimal as well

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