Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16842 Discussions

Waveform Simulation not working


Info: *******************************************************************Info: Running Quartus Prime EDA Netlist Writer  Info: Version 19.1.0 Build 670 09/22/2019 SJ Lite Edition  Info: Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.  Info: Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions   Info: and other software and tools, and any partner logic   Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing   Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any   Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject   Info: to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License   Info: Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,  Info: the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license  Info: agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for  Info: the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by  Info: Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please  Info: refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at  Info:  Info: Processing started: Sun May 24 18:41:50 2020Info: Command: quartus_eda --gen_testbench --tool=modelsim_oem --format=verilog --write_settings_files=off light -c light --vector_source=/home/hardware/intelFPGA_lite/19.1/introtutorial/output_files/Waveform.vwf --testbench_file=/home/hardware/intelFPGA_lite/19.1/introtutorial/simulation/qsim/output_files/Waveform.vwf.vtWarning (18236): Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines. Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance.Error (199013): HDL output file name "/home/hardware/intelFPGA_lite/19.1/introtutorial/simulation/qsim/output_files/Waveform.vwf.vt" used with --testbench_file option contains a non-existent directory pathError (199014): Vector source file /home/hardware/intelFPGA_lite/19.1/introtutorial/output_files/Waveform.vwf specified with --testbench_vector_input_file option does not existError: Quartus Prime EDA Netlist Writer was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 1 warning  Error: Peak virtual memory: 1063 megabytes  Error: Processing ended: Sun May 24 18:41:50 2020  Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:00  Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:00


I'm a complete newbie to this. I'm trying to get the waveform simulator to run (Run Functional Simulation), but I get the above message. Help please! Thank you.

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1 Reply

Hi Joseph,


In the waveform editor, Simulation -> Simulation Settings -> Restore Defaults. Then rerun the simulation. Let me know if it works.




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