Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

crash report

Honored Contributor II

Hello, my Quartus is crashed, and I have web edition so can't find any other option to report it: 


Internal Error: Sub-system: VRFX, File: /quartus/synth/vrfx/verific/database/netlist.cpp, Line: 5102 n && n->Owner() == this Stack Trace: 0x42e30: vrfx_altera_assert + 0x20 0x97136: Netlist::RegisterPotentiallyFanoutFreeNet + 0x86 0xea349: VeriNonConstVal::NetAssignFrom + 0x139 0x16240e: VeriAlwaysConstruct::Elaborate + 0x24e 0xd0064: VeriModule::Elaborate + 0x74 0xd456f: VeriModule::Elaborate + 0x56f 0x5c342: VRFX_VERIFIC_VERILOG_ELABORATOR::elaborate + 0x482 0x5747f: VRFX_ELABORATOR::elaborate + 0xdf 0xad8d4: SGN_FN_LIB::elaborate + 0x124 0xb03aa: SGN_FN_LIB::start_vrf_flow + 0xa 0xb158d: SGN_FN_LIB::start + 0x55d 0x8301f: SGN_EXTRACTOR::single_module_extraction + 0x17f 0x90482: SGN_EXTRACTOR::recursive_extraction + 0x192 0x8e00e: SGN_EXTRACTOR::recurse_into_newly_extracted_netlist + 0x2de 0x904c3: SGN_EXTRACTOR::recursive_extraction + 0x1d3 0x8e00e: SGN_EXTRACTOR::recurse_into_newly_extracted_netlist + 0x2de 0x904c3: SGN_EXTRACTOR::recursive_extraction + 0x1d3 0x93b81: SGN_EXTRACTOR::extract + 0x1b1 0x12bb2: sgn_qic_full + 0x142 0x464d: qsyn_execute_sgn + 0x11d 0x1c924: QSYN_FRAMEWORK::execute_core + 0x104 0x1f23a: QSYN_FRAMEWORK::execute + 0x26a 0x111b7: qexe_get_tcl_sub_option + 0x1b87 0x13ad6: qexe_process_cmdline_arguments + 0x526 0x13bd4: qexe_standard_main + 0x84 0x19dd6: qsyn_main + 0xa6 0x4e21: msg_main_thread + 0x11 0x1c98: _thr_final_wrapper + 0x8 0x5515: msg_thread_wrapper + 0x85 0x3921: mem_thread_wrapper + 0x31 0x60f1: msg_exe_main + 0x81 0x1ba1c: _main + 0x1c 0x24cd7: __ftol2 + 0x1e1 0x4ed5b: BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x11 0x637ea: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0xee 0x637bd: RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0xc1 End-trace Quartus II 32-bit Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 SJ Web Edition Service Pack Installed: 1  


And this is the code caused it, look around 'ribbon' object: 


module VGA_HighEnd ( clk, rst, iX_video, iY_video, oR_video, oG_video, oB_video, tumblers, endFrame, dbg_val ); parameter RES_X_H= 1240; parameter RES_Y_H= 1024; parameter XY_STEP_H= 7; parameter RES_X_L= 640; parameter RES_Y_L= 480; parameter XY_STEP_L= 8; input clk; input rst; input signed iX_video; input signed iY_video; output reg oR_video; output reg oG_video; output reg oB_video; input tumblers; input endFrame; output wire dbg_val; wire V_out2; wire high_res= 1; reg count; wire signed x; wire signed y; assign x= (iX_video- (high_res ? RES_X_H/2 :RES_X_L/2 )); assign y= (iY_video- (high_res ? RES_Y_H/2 :RES_Y_L/2 )); //reg ribbon;// NO CRASH always@(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if ( rst ) begin count= 0; end else begin if ( endFrame ) begin count<= count +1; ribbon <=count; end // Y'UV ->RGB oR_video= {7{ribbon}}; oG_video= count; oB_video= -1; end end endmodule reg ribbon;// CRASH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //reg ribbon;// NO CRASH
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I can confirm your code does not crash Quartus on my machine. 


Commenting out the line you have would mean the code wouldn't parse correctly, which would mean the Analysis & Synthesis step wouldn't complete, causing Quatrus to stop earlier through the compilation. So, this would simply point at a later stage of the compilation causing the crash. 


You could report this to Altera's tech support. However, before you do that please re-install your software and see if that helps. 



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Honored Contributor II

Have you deleted the db and incrementaldb directories? these can sometimes cause crashes. If this and re-installing doesnt help, you will need to raise a support request.

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Honored Contributor II

Well, compiling this file separately, not cause crash (internal error), indeed, but compiling whole project does. I've attached archived project now. I tested that it still crashes and I deleted db's. 

I would direct all this to tech support, but I can't find out, how web edition user could do it. And I have made a workaround, so my interest in this now purely theoretical.
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