Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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generate clock after a specific number

Honored Contributor II

hi! I started to learn VHDL,so be patient :) 

also my english is poor :cool: 

but I try to explain my problem: 


I try to emulate a code for generate (and delay it by a precise integer) the clock, but i can't get it. 


how can I do? 



so I have to generate and delay the clock, for example delay 100ps, with a fixed period from "generic (period: time: = 100ps);" 




entity test_out is 



generic (period: time :=100ps; 

halfperiod: time := 50ps); 


port ( rit: in integer range 0 to 255; --delay for start clock 

localCLK: inout std_logic  

) ; 


end test_out; 



the architecture does not exist because i I tried different solutions but many useless and maybe stupid :D
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Do you want to just delay a clock, or to enable its initialization after a time ? 

It's in simulation, or do you want to synthesize ?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

My project is similar to the PLL (phase locked loop), in fact I want to generate a signal to be send back to a hypothetical "phase frequency detector", then I would be initialized after a time (time that must change in relation to an "integer" value input entity) the clock signal, iterating continually until it various new "integer". 


it's for simulation :D 


edit: Now I'm using the operating system Ubuntu, as soon as I open windows place the architecture that I tried to make an hour ago. :D
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

it's for simulation 

--- Quote End ---  



Why not just use the 'after' clause to the signal assignment ?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

my code is: 


entity test_out is generic (period: time :=100ps; halfperiod: time := 50ps); port ( rit: in integer range 0 to 255; --delay for start clock localCLK: inout std_logic ) ; end test_out; architecture beha of test_out is signal clock: std_logic; --used to recycle the process signal uscita: integer range 0 to 255:=0; begin clock<='0','1' after halfperiod; process(clock) begin if (clock='1')then clock<= '0' after halfperiod; else clock <='1' after halfperiod; end if; case (rit) is when 0 => uscita<=0; when 1 to 10 => uscita<=1 after 1ps; when 11 to 20 => uscita<=2 after 10ps; when 21 to 30 => uscita<=3 after 20ps; when 31 to 40 => uscita<=4 after 30ps; when 41 to 50 => uscita<=5 after 40ps; when 51 to 60 => uscita<=6 after 50ps; when 61 to 255 => uscita<=7 after 60ps; end case; case(uscita) is when 0 to 255=> localCLK <='1', '0' after halfperiod; end case; end process; end architecture; 



But with this code I can not emulate a clock signal with a duty cycle of 50% and also does not initialize after a time 


I'll try again, while some idea? :D
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You're not incrementing uscita anywhere. 

Moreover, clock isn't being toogle'd. 


I'm unable to understand what exactly it does.
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