Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16808 Discussions

im am trying to Build a 8-bit to 16-bit left combinatorial shifter using the IF-THEN statements and im getting errors


the specifications are athat is shift cntrl =0 then no shift if shift cntrl = 1 then shift 4 to the left, if shift cntrl =2 then shift left 8 and if shift cntrl=3 then no shift

my current code is 

library IEEE;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;



entity shifter is

port ( 

input: in UNSIGNED(7 downto 0);

shift_cntrl: in UNSIGNED(1 downto 0);

shift_out : out UNSIGNED(15 downto 0) :="0000000000000000"


end entity shifter;


architecture shift of shifter is


shifting : process(input,shift_cntrl)



if shift_cntrl='00' then

shift_out <= input;

elsif shift_cntrl='01' then

shift_out<= shift_left(unsigned(input),4);


elsif shift_cntrl='10' then

shift_out<= shift_left(unsigned(input),8);


elsif shift_cntrl='11' then

shift_out <= input;

end if;

end process shifting;

end architecture;


when i run it i get the following errors

Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at shifter.vhd(19) near text "'"; expecting "(", or an identifier, or unary operator

Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at shifter.vhd(21) near text "elsif"; expecting "end", or "(", or an identifier ("elsif" is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement

Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at shifter.vhd(24) near text "elsif"; expecting "end", or "(", or an identifier ("elsif" is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement

Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at shifter.vhd(27) near text "elsif"; expecting "end", or "(", or an identifier ("elsif" is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement

Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at shifter.vhd(29) near text "if"; expecting "process"





how can i fix this?

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1 Reply
Hi Cameron, Please follow the VHDL syntax, Replace the single quote(' ') with double quotes(" ") since bit_vector literal is an array of bits & that should be enclosed in double quotes. Regards, Vikas
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