Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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no programming file generated.. encryption

Honored Contributor II



I wonder if anyone can help... 


For some reason a number of my existing and old projects (mostly based on the same design) have stopped generating programming files. 


All projects will compile without errors, however no .sof file is generated and I get a warning like so... 


Warning: Can't generate programming files for project because design file "...incremental_db/compiled_partitions/" is encrypted. It does not have license file support that allows generation of programming files. 


I am connected to a permanent license, and I can see the features when I go to tools>license Setup (to display installed features).  


I have also tried deleting the db and incremental db folders to perform a clean build (to no avail). 


I find this strange, as the projects have generated programming files before, however when I now try to re-compile old projects now I get the same error. 


Does anyone have any ideas about what may have happened? 


Many thanks.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I assume basically, it is license issue at the vender side, assuming it is expired the license term even though vender may say it is permanent. 

I've had same issue and had to contact to the IP vender and they gave the updated license file.
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