Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17009 Discussions

not understand compile error message

New Contributor III

Dear Support/Expert,

I got the following message while I am opening a .qsys file. 


is there a document or a link explain how to fill in the parameters of this command?

set filesList [list]; foreach_in_collection file [get_all_assignments -type global -name IP_FILE] { append filesList [get_assignment_info $file -value]\; }; return $filesList;

how to dealing with the following error messages. 

Error: set_global_assignment -name IP_FILE ../ip/ip/jesd204b/jesd204b_jesd_top_qsys_0.ip


thank you,

David Sun

------------------------------------------------------------- original error message

Error: Failed to retrieve source file from Quartus project, manually re-run the following commands in Quartus tcl shell.
Error: set filesList [list]; foreach_in_collection file [get_all_assignments -type global -name IP_FILE] { append filesList [get_assignment_info $file -value]\; }; return $filesList;
Error: Failed to retrieve source file from Quartus project, manually re-run the following commands in Quartus tcl shell.
Error: set filesList [list]; foreach_in_collection file [get_all_assignments -type global -name IP_FILE] { append filesList [get_assignment_info $file -value]\; }; return $filesList;
Error: Failed to retrieve source file from Quartus project, manually re-run the following commands in Quartus tcl shell.
Error: set filesList [list]; foreach_in_collection file [get_all_assignments -type global -name IP_FILE] { append filesList [get_assignment_info $file -value]\; }; return $filesList;
Error: set filesList [list]; foreach_in_collection file [get_all_assignments -type global -name QSYS_FILE] { append filesList [get_assignment_info $file -value]\; }; return $filesList;
Error: Failed to add source file to Quartus project, manually re-run the following commands in Quartus tcl shell.
Error: set_global_assignment -name IP_FILE ../ip/ip/jesd204b/jesd204b_jesd_top_qsys_0.ip
Error: set_global_assignment -name IP_FILE ../ip/ip/jesd204b/jesd204b_enc_data_gen_0.ip

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