Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16677 Discussions

opencl aocl diagnose failed

Honored Contributor II



I installed the opencl SDK version 15.1. my chip is arria 10(10AX115N4F40I3SGE2) 

When I typed the command aocl diagnose , there are some message happended. 


:: Init: Bar 4, Total offset 0x4000, diff_endian is 0 :: Init: Bar 4, Total offset 0xb000, diff_endian is 0 :: Init: Bar 4, Total offset 0xcff0, diff_endian is 0 :: Doing PCIe-to-fabric read test ... MMD INFO : PCIe-to-fabric read test failed, read 0xffffffff after 1 attempts Phys Dev Name Status Information acla10_ref0 Failed Board name not available. Failed initial tests, so not working as expected. Please try again after reprogramming the device. Found no active device installed on the host machine. Please make sure to: 1. Set the environment variable AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT to the correct boa rd package. 2. Install the driver from the selected board package. 3. Properly install the device in the host machine. 4. Configure the device with a supported OpenCL design. 5. Reboot the machine if the PCI Express link failed. DIAGNOSTIC_FAILED  


it seems somethiong wrong when when open and initialize accelerators board 


Could anyone solve this problem ? 


0 Kudos
5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi Tiber, 


I am also having a similar problem, did you find the solution to this one?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I met the same issue when using OpenCL SDK 16.0, aocl diagnose simply cannot diagnose the device driver but lsmod shows that the driver is already in used. I have tested with two different OS but the same error happened. Have you solved this problem already?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I met the same issue when using OpenCL SDK 16.0, aocl diagnose simply cannot diagnose the device driver but lsmod shows that the driver is already in used. I have tested with two different OS but the same error happened. Have you solved this problem already? 

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Try running diagnose directly on the board, not from the host.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

pls check your environment variables and your hardware  


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I met the same issue when using OpenCL SDK 16.0, aocl diagnose simply cannot diagnose the device driver but lsmod shows that the driver is already in used. I have tested with two different OS but the same error happened. Have you solved this problem already? 

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0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I installed the opencl SDK version 15.1. my chip is arria 10(10AX115N4F40I3SGE2) 

When I typed the command aocl diagnose , there are some message happended. 


:: Init: Bar 4, Total offset 0x4000, diff_endian is 0 :: Init: Bar 4, Total offset 0xb000, diff_endian is 0 :: Init: Bar 4, Total offset 0xcff0, diff_endian is 0 :: Doing PCIe-to-fabric read test ... MMD INFO : PCIe-to-fabric read test failed, read 0xffffffff after 1 attempts Phys Dev Name Status Information acla10_ref0 Failed Board name not available. Failed initial tests, so not working as expected. Please try again after reprogramming the device. Found no active device installed on the host machine. Please make sure to: 1. Set the environment variable AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT to the correct boa rd package. 2. Install the driver from the selected board package. 3. Properly install the device in the host machine. 4. Configure the device with a supported OpenCL design. 5. Reboot the machine if the PCI Express link failed. DIAGNOSTIC_FAILED  


it seems somethiong wrong when when open and initialize accelerators board 


Could anyone solve this problem ? 



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Hello, I'm using aocl with version 17.1 and encountered this error. Finally, I realize that I should reboot both the host and device. Then it works. 

Hope to help you
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