Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

qsf file

Honored Contributor II


i generate the qsf file from c# to text file and then i load it to quartos 13.0.  

1. i need to know if the location of the string commands must be at fixed places in the file or it could be any were in the file ? 

is there a legality at the location of those commands ? 

F.E : 

At file that i compiled i see at the qsf file first of all the "set_global_assignment" commands , then "set_location assingment" commands and then "set_instance_assignment" commands (File Attached at txt format) 

it should be at this order ? 


2.Are there global commands or fixed strings at the qsf file that doesn't change no matter what the designer choose ? 


Thanks for help. :)
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Rather than generating a QSF directly, I recommend you generate a Tcl script, which will then create the QSF for you. A Tcl script has a lot of advantages, including that any syntax errors will be more easily discovered in the command line. You could also have a static Tcl script that creates the project and then sources the C# generated assignments. 




As for your specific question, the QSF does not have any sections, so assignments can be put anywhere, except from *_FILE assignments which need to be ordered within themselves in the order you want the tool to read them
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Honored Contributor II



QSF Files mean "Quartus Setting File" and they are TCL (Tool Command Language) scripts :  

usualy, All lines begin with a command follow by arguments BUT you may have substitutions of command (enclosed by square brackets) and variable (character '$' and name of variable). 

A line that begins by a '#' is a comment BUT be careful about brackets even in comments (common newbie error). 


QSF are written in very simple TCL (no nested command, no procedures...) 

TCL is case sensitive ! 


1. I don't think there is an order but it could be. See Quartus scripting in 


2. there are a few commands that are ignored (backward compatibility, or simply useless commands) (Maybe I misunderstood your question) 


3. there is an order on the files read by Quartus software. See Quartus scripting in or in help (quite ugly to search)
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Honored Contributor II

i got your recommendation about Tcl script . i looked at the link that you sent me but i didnt find out how i can i write script that generate QSF file . 


can i run the TCl script via command prompt ? if yes , what is the command that operate TCl script ? 


i need to write a script that create the QSF file according to the user requirements (pin assignments , current strength , I/O standard , slew rate , etc...) 

and i need to send those requirements to the script from the C# GUI .
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  


can i run the TCl script via command prompt ? if yes , what is the command that operate TCl script ? 


i need to write a script that create the QSF file according to the user requirements (pin assignments , current strength , I/O standard , slew rate , etc...) 

and i need to send those requirements to the script from the C# GUI . 

--- Quote End ---  



This tutorial uses Tcl scripts for synthesis and simulation; 


as do the other example zip files downloadable from here 


Take a look at them. 


The Tcl scripts create a Quartus project, which includes the .qpf file and the .qsf file. Using Tcl allows you to consider these files as "generated" and as such you can ignore them (much like a C programmer does not care about .o files, they're just an intermediate file). 


If you want a GUI to represent your Tcl settings, then you'll just have to write your C# to understand the Tcl file. 



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