Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16667 Discussions

what is wrong in this VHDL code?

Honored Contributor II

Hey guys  

i have this VHDL code but when i compile it i got an error message thx said: Error (10818): Netlist error at DSS_LUT.vhd(21): can't infer register for Hex_out[8] because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge. 

This is the code : 

library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 


entity DDS_LUT is 


clk : in std_logic; 

--encoder_a : in std_logic; 

data_b : in integer range 3185 to 4215 ; --std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); 

Hex_out : out std_logic_vector (30 downto 0) --(need output with hexa not bin) 




architecture arc_DDS_LUT of DDS_LUT is 


process (data_b) 


if CLK'EVENT and CLK = '1' then 

case data_b is 

when 3185=> Hex_out <= ("1010101101110111011101110111100");  

when 3186=> Hex_out <= ("1010101101101001110100000011011"); 

when 3187=> Hex_out <= ("1010101101011100001010001111011"); 

when 3188=> Hex_out <= ("1010101101001110100000011011010"); 

when 3189=> Hex_out <= ("1010101101000000110110100111010"); 

when 3190=> Hex_out <= ("1010101100110011001100110011001"); 

when 3191=> Hex_out <= ("1010101100100101100010111111001"); 

when 3192=> Hex_out <= ("1010101100010111111001001011001"); 

when 3193=> Hex_out <= ("1010101100001010001111010111000"); 

when 3194=> Hex_out <= ("1010101011111100100101100011000"); 

when 3195=> Hex_out <= ("1010101011101110111011101110111"); 

when 3196=> Hex_out <= ("1010101011100001010001111010111"); 

when 3197=> Hex_out <= ("1010101011010011101000000110110"); 

when 3198=> Hex_out <= ("1010101011000101111110010010110"); 

when 3199=> Hex_out <= ("1010101010111000010100011110110"); 

when 3200=> Hex_out <= ("1010101010101010101010101010101"); 

when 3201=> Hex_out <= ("1010101010011101000000110110101"); 

when 3202=> Hex_out <= ("1010101010001111010111000010100"); 

when 3203=> Hex_out <= ("1010101010000001101101001110100"); 

when 3204=> Hex_out <= ("1010101001110100000011011010011");  

when 3205=> Hex_out <= ("1010101001100110011001100110011"); 

when 3206=> Hex_out <= ("1010101001011000101111110010011"); 

when 3207=> Hex_out <= ("1010101001001011000101111110010"); 

when 3208=> Hex_out <= ("1010101000111101011100001010010"); 

when 3209=> Hex_out <= ("1010101000101111110010010110001"); 

when 3210=> Hex_out <= ("1010101000100010001000100010001"); 

when 3211=> Hex_out <= ("1010101000010100011110101110000"); 

when 3212=> Hex_out <= ("1010101000000110110100111010000"); 

when 3213=> Hex_out <= ("1010100111111001001011000110000"); 

when 3214=> Hex_out <= ("1010100111101011100001010001111"); 

when 3215=> Hex_out <= ("1010100111011101110111011101111"); 

when others => Hex_out <= ("1111111111111111111111111111111"); 

end case; 


Hex_out <=("0000000000000000000000000000000"); 

end if;  

end process; 

end arc_DDS_LUT ; 



what the code should do is : every time there is a rising edge I will check the input number I got and give an output number from the case statement
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You need to add your clock to the sensitivity list. It should be "process (CLK, data_b)" instead of "process (data_b)". 


You should also remove the "else" clause after your case since it will clear your outputs anytime there is a change in the signals specified in the sensitivity list that doesn't correspond to a rising edge of clk. In other words if the input data_b changes then your process is evaluated and the outputs will be cleared. 


For style look into two alternative coding details: 

(a) You can use the "rising_edge" function which is part of the IEEE std logic library. 

(b) You can use Hex notation instead of the binary strings.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Do you want only combinational logic or do you want hex_out to be flip-flops? You've combined the constructs for just combinational logic and logic with flops. 


If you want just combinational only, drop the CLK references, and drop the "else hex_out <=("0000000000...000");" fragment 


If you want logic followed by flops, change the sensitivity list for the process to be CLK, not data_b, AND drop the else hex_out <=("0000000000...000");" fragment. 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

For sure I'm no expert in VHDL and maybe there are more elegant solutions, but the following should work: 


library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 


entity DDS_LUT is 


clk : in std_logic; 

--encoder_a : in std_logic; 

data_b : in integer range 3185 to 4215 ; --std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); 

Hex_out : out std_logic_vector (30 downto 0) --(need output with hexa not bin) 




architecture arc_DDS_LUT of DDS_LUT is 

signal hex_out_internal : std_logic_vector (30 downto 0); 



hex_out <= hex_out_internal;  

-- or maybe: Hex_out (30 downto 0) <= Hex_out_internal (30 downto 0); 


process (clk


if CLK'EVENT and CLK = '1' then 

case data_b is 

when 3185=> hex_out_internal <= ("1010101101110111011101110111100");  

when 3186=> hex_out_internal <= ("1010101101101001110100000011011"); 

when 3187=> hex_out_internal <= ("1010101101011100001010001111011"); 

when 3188=> hex_out_internal <= ("1010101101001110100000011011010"); 

when 3189=> hex_out_internal <= ("1010101101000000110110100111010"); 


.... and so on 




Hope this helped :) 


Right: sensitivity list should be changed, too.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You've already gotten some good responses. In case it wasn't already apparent, you are getting that error because of the statement: 


Hex_out <=("0000000000000000000000000000000"); 

This makes your code unsynthesizable. What you are telling Quartus II to do is "when there is a clock transition do this, when there is not a clock transition do that." 

The problem being, a clock transition is "true" for an infinitesimally short amount of time. So, what you want to tell Quartus II to do is "after a clock transition, do this." You can do that be removing the 'else' statement. You never want an 'else' or 'elsif' with your if (clk'event).
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks u all guys

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