Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16613 Discussions

zero all elements in an array

Honored Contributor II



I created a 4x4 array which I want to zero in a one easy step; not as a default value in declaration/initialization, but in the program when a certain condition is met. 


SIGNAL m_array :arr; 


I am using the following, but it will be to much/long for a bigger array: 

IF clear = '0' THEN 

m_array(0) <= X"0"; 

m_array(1) <= X"0"; 

m_array(2) <= X"0"; 

m_array(3) <= X"0"; 



Is there a one liner that works to make all array elements zero (instead of using the above or a FOR LOOP). I tried the following: 

IF clear = '0' THEN m_array <= (others => (others => '0')); 

IF clear = '0' THEN m_array <= (X"0",X"0",X"0",X"0"); 

but got, Unsupported feature error: aggregates are supported only for types that map to an array of bits . 


Thank you
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Either of the above should work fine. Can you post the real code?

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Honored Contributor II

following is my code, note that I tried a few methods of zeroing dg array: 


-- Class Assignment 2: Display and Keyboard Driver -- Ex9a in VHDL LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY ***_Ch9 IS PORT ( clk,init, load :IN BIT; -- clk,init: for D-flip-flops; load: HIGH for displaying on the four 7-Segment Displays, LOW for inputed data capturing and Key pressing detection data :IN STD_LOGIC; -- data: for D-flip-flops Key_av :BUFFER BIT; -- Key_av is Key available/pressed output pulse...Key_av is high at certain clock cycle for Key pressed d,e,f,g :OUT BIT; -- d,e,f,g: Output (four of eight) for 7-Segment Displays Dig_Col :BUFFER STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); -- Dig_Col=E for Dig0,Dig_Col=D for Dig1,Dig_Col=B for Dig2,Dig_Col=7 for Dig3; Dig_Col=1 for Col0,Dig_Col=2 for Col1,Dig_Col=4 for Col2,Dig_Col=8 for Col3 b,a,c,h :INOUT STD_LOGIC -- Output (other four of eight) for 7-Segment Displays; Input for 16-Key Keyboard ); END ***_Ch9; ARCHITECTURE Ex9a OF ***_Ch9 IS TYPE arr IS ARRAY(3 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL Row :INTEGER RANGE 3 DOWNTO 0; -- Row=0 for Row0,Row=1 for Row1,Row=2 for Row2,Row=3 for Row3 SIGNAL dg :arr; -- storage of Data to be Displayed on 7-Segment Displays SIGNAL ib,ia,ic,ih :STD_LOGIC; -- value to output on b,a,c,h SIGNAL dx :arr; -- holds values for dg (placed in dg on rising edge of clock) BEGIN -- testing ARRAY use --dg(2)(1) <= '1'; --dg(3) <= "1001"; --dg <= (" "); PROCESS (init, clk) BEGIN --IF init = '0' THEN dg <= (OTHERS => B"0000"); --IF init = '0' THEN dg <= (others => (others => '0')); --for n IN 0 TO 3 LOOP dg(n) <=X"0"; End LOOP; --IF init = '0' THEN dg(3) <= X"0";-- & dg(2) <= X"0" & dg(1) <= X"0" & dg(0) <= X"0"; IF init = '0' THEN dg <= (X"0",X"0",X"0",X"0"); -- dg(0) <= X"0"; -- dg(1) <= X"0"; -- dg(2) <= X"0"; -- dg(3) <= X"0"; ELSIF clk'EVENT AND clk = '1' THEN dg <= dx; -- -- Column Controls IF load = '1' THEN CASE Dig_Col IS WHEN B"1110" => Dig_Col <= B"1101"; -- Dig0 becomes Dig1 WHEN B"1101" => Dig_Col <= B"1011"; -- Dig1 becomes Dig2 WHEN B"1011" => Dig_Col <= B"0111"; -- Dig2 becomes Dig3 WHEN OTHERS => Dig_Col <= B"1110"; -- (Dig3) becomes Dig0 END CASE; ELSE -- load = '0' CASE Dig_Col IS WHEN B"0001" => Dig_Col <= B"0010"; -- Col0 becomes Col1 WHEN B"0010" => Dig_Col <= B"0100"; -- Col1 becomes Col2 WHEN B"0100" => Dig_Col <= B"1000"; -- Col2 becomes Col3 WHEN OTHERS => Dig_Col <= B"0001"; -- (Col3) becomes Col0 END CASE; END IF; -- Keyboard Read Row Counter IF Dig_Col = B"1000" THEN Row <= Row + 1; END IF; -- count only on last column state, increments on next clock rising edge! -- Key Available IF load = '0' THEN IF ((Row=0 AND b='1') OR (Row=1 AND a='1') OR (Row=2 AND c='1') OR (Row=3 AND h='1')) THEN Key_av <= '1'; ELSE Key_av <= '0'; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; PROCESS (Dig_Col,Row,load,data) BEGIN -- Display-Data-Storage and Load inputed Data FOR n IN 1 TO 3 LOOP -- LSB of Digit n IF (load = '1') THEN dx(n)(0) <= dg(n-1)(0); -- Display-Data Storage ELSIF ((Dig_Col = B"0001") AND (Row = n)) THEN dx(n)(0) <= data; -- Load inputed Data ELSE dx(n)(0) <= dg(n)(0); -- Load previous data END IF; -- 2nd LSB of Digit n IF (load = '1') THEN dx(n)(1) <= dg(n-1)(1); -- Display-Data Storage ELSIF ((Dig_Col = B"0010") AND (Row = n)) THEN dx(n)(1) <= data; -- Load inputed Data ELSE dx(n)(1) <= dg(n)(1); -- Load previous data END IF; -- 2nd MSB of Digit n IF (load = '1') THEN dx(n)(2) <= dg(n-1)(2); -- Display-Data Storage ELSIF ((Dig_Col = B"0100") AND (Row = n)) THEN dx(n)(2) <= data; -- Load inputed Data ELSE dx(n)(2) <= dg(n)(2); -- Load previous data END IF; -- MSB of Digit n IF (load = '1') THEN dx(n)(3) <= dg(n-1)(3); -- Display-Data Storage ELSIF ((Dig_Col = B"1000") AND (Row = n)) THEN dx(n)(3) <= data; -- Load inputed Data ELSE dx(n)(3) <= dg(n)(3); -- Load previous data END IF; END LOOP; -- this was only from 1 to 3. Digit 0 is fed from the Digit 3 outputs -- LSB of Digit 0 IF (load = '1') THEN dx(0)(0) <= dg(3)(0); -- Display-Data Storage ELSIF ((Dig_Col = B"0001") AND (Row = 0)) THEN dx(0)(0) <= data; -- Load inputed Data ELSE dx(0)(0) <= dg(0)(0); -- Load previous data END IF; -- 2nd LSB of Digit 0 IF (load = '1') THEN dx(0)(1) <= dg(3)(1); -- Display-Data Storage ELSIF ((Dig_Col = B"0010") AND (Row = 0)) THEN dx(0)(1) <= data; -- Load inputed Data ELSE dx(0)(1) <= dg(0)(1); -- Load previous data END IF; -- 2nd MSB of Digit 0 IF (load = '1') THEN dx(0)(2) <= dg(3)(2); -- Display-Data Storage ELSIF ((Dig_Col = B"0100") AND (Row = 0)) THEN dx(0)(2) <= data; -- Load inputed Data ELSE dx(0)(2) <= dg(0)(2); -- Load previous data END IF; -- MSB of Digit 0 IF (load = '1') THEN dx(0)(3) <= dg(3)(3); -- Display-Data Storage ELSIF ((Dig_Col = B"1000") AND (Row = 0)) THEN dx(0)(3) <= data; -- Load inputed Data ELSE dx(0)(3) <= dg(0)(3); -- Load previous data END IF; END PROCESS; -- Data Decode and Output -- 7-Segment Display segments ON when segment letter LOW, therefore: -- segment letter HIGH(TRUE) for hexadecimal numbers (0->F) NOT using that segment ia <= '1' WHEN (dg(3) = X"1") OR (dg(3) = X"4") OR (dg(3) = X"B") OR (dg(3) = X"D") ELSE '0'; ib <= '1' WHEN (dg(3) = X"5") OR (dg(3) = X"6") OR (dg(3) = X"B") OR (dg(3) = X"C") OR (dg(3) = X"E") OR (dg(3) = X"F") ELSE '0'; ic <= '1' WHEN (dg(3) = X"2") OR (dg(3) = X"C") OR (dg(3) = X"E") OR (dg(3) = X"F") ELSE '0'; d <= '1' WHEN (dg(3) = X"1") OR (dg(3) = X"4") OR (dg(3) = X"7") OR (dg(3) = X"A") OR (dg(3) = X"F") ELSE '0'; e <= '1' WHEN (dg(3) = X"1") OR (dg(3) = X"3") OR (dg(3) = X"4") OR (dg(3) = X"5") OR (dg(3) = X"7") OR (dg(3) = X"9") ELSE '0'; f <= '1' WHEN (dg(3) = X"1") OR (dg(3) = X"2") OR (dg(3) = X"3") OR (dg(3) = X"7") OR (dg(3) = X"D") ELSE '0'; g <= '1' WHEN (dg(3) = X"0") OR (dg(3) = X"1") OR (dg(3) = X"7") OR (dg(3) = X"C") ELSE '0'; ih <= '1'; -- decimal point OFF b <= 'Z' WHEN load = '0' ELSE ib; a <= 'Z' WHEN load = '0' ELSE ia; c <= 'Z' WHEN load = '0' ELSE ic; h <= 'Z' WHEN load = '0' ELSE ih; END Ex9a;  


edited - added code tags
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

No problems compiling for me. What are you using to compile? 


A couple of issues though: 

1. ***_CH9 is an invalid name 

2. You havent put dg in the 2nd process sensitivity list (will cause simulation behaviour to be different from real hardware).
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Honored Contributor II

I have been using MAX+plus II Advanced Synthesis to compile, as Altera site mentioned using it instead of MAX+plus II's own compiler. I did try compiling with the MAX+plus II compiler itself, which seems to have caused the problems, because I now got it working. 


I recreated a project for ***_Ch9 in MAX+plus II (only kept the ***_chp.vhd file) and then compiled with MAX+plus II Advanced Synthesis and got NO errors. To prove MAX+plus II compiler caused the problem, I compiled with MAX+plus II compiler, and I got the error. I then compiled with MAX+plus II Advanced Synthesis and also got the error. 

So it seems that the MAX+plus II compiler causes the problem, and using MAX+plus II Advanced Synthesis afterwards does not "uncorrupt" the files created by the MAX+plus II compiler. 


NOTE: ***_Ch9 does not tell me it is an invalid name (*** short for Assignment). 


With regard to process sensitivity list: I thought that only input signals that will influence a change in the signal selection/condition is required, i.e. load, Dig_Col and Row; dg and data(which I should of left out based on my understanding) then in my opinion does not need to be included, do not influence IF statement conditions?? 


Thank you very much for the help
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Right - Im not surprised it doesnt work. MaxPlus2 is a very old program and has a very poor VHDL compiler. Any reason you're using Maxplus 2 (over 10 years old) and not Quartus?  


* is not a valid character for VHDL identifiers. You're only allowed letters, numbers and underscore, and it cannot start with a number. 


The sensitivity list needs to contain ALL signals that have an influence on process output. So DG and Data are required, as the dx signal needs to change when the data changes. Otherwise in simulation "dx" will appear to behave a like a latch. Synthesis ignores sensitivity lists and builds the circuit as if the process was sensitive to ALL signals unless it is a synchronous process.
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Honored Contributor II

Unfortunately the error started again, without using MAX+plus II compiler, only using MAX+plus II Advanced Synthesis?? Why it worked for awhile is confusing. Hopefully Quartus II will solve that issue! 


By-the-by, the three asterisks must have been placed by the site, as I typed the three first letters of Assignment (rude word to site)
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