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Hello everybody,
we are using an Intel Arria 10 SX with HPS on a custom board (10AS057K4F40E3SG with Quartus Pro 22.4). The boot flow is as specified on Rocketboards website (https://www.rocketboards.org/foswiki/Documentation/BuildingBootloaderCycloneVAndArria10
Boot is working: we are using boot from SD, with early I/O release to reduce configuration time, keeping the core rbf and the peripherals rbf in the same .itb file, applying the first in the SPL and the second in uboot.
Now we would like to get a "remote FPGA update" feature without using the partial reconfiguration, having a full FPGA reconfiguration at every reboot. We know that HPS DDR3 relies on FPGA configuration so a full reconfiguration via Linux without reboot is not possible, but reboot is fine for our purposes. Power cycle the board is not.
Which is the best practice to follow? Our idea is to modify via SSH/TFTP the FIT image on the FAT partition (.itb) file and then issue a reboot command via Linux without having a power cycle of the board.
This way seems to not working as intended since at reboot the SPL sees that the FPGA is already configured (but with the old image) and it does not start the FPGA configuration. Is there a way to force it via SPL/uboot?
I hope I made myself clear, otherwise please ask me further details.
Thanks in advance.
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Hi GBraj,
Double config can solve the some issue related DDR issue in A10. So it will be required.
Aik Eu
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Kindly note that there will be some slowness on the first reply due to the public holiday, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Hi GBraj,
I think you can refer to the option 2 under Reducing Arria 10 Fabric Configuration Time related for loading the FPGA fabric in U-boot:
Aik Eu
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Hi Aik,
I'm using already option 2 of the Bootloader. This is the work flow that I want to obtain:
- Cold reset (power on)
- SPL loads peripheral rbf
- TPL u-Boot loads core rbf
- TPL boots to linux
- linux transfers a new .itb file to FAT partition
- linux issues reboot command
- SPL loads NEW peripheral rbf contained in new .itb file
- TPL u-Boot loads new core rbf contained in new .itb file
- TPL boots to linux
Mostly similar to this topic https://forum.rocketboards.org/t/arria10-u-boot-2021-04-support-reboot-from-linux/2845
The current situation is this:
- Cold reset (power on)
- SPL loads peripheral rbf
- TPL u-Boot loads core rbf
- TPL boots to linux
- linux transfers a new .itb file to FAT partition
- linux issues reboot command
- SPL skips peripheral load (BAD, we want the new peripiheral image!)
- TPL u-Boot attempts to load core rbf
- TPL hangs and watchdog reboots (repeat from step 6).
The problem is that in step 7, SPL skips peripheral load since FPGA is already programmed.
Is there a option to force the peripheral and core programming at every reboot issued by linux, without having a power cycle of the board? I'm trying to use the patch in uboot suggested in that topic but it seems to not work as intended.
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Hi GBraj,
I will try to consult further regaring the issue that you are facing.
Aik Eu
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Hi GBraj,
When in U-boot, did you try to perform the below before perform reboot in linux kernel?
setenv coreaddr 0x1000000
load mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} fit_spl_fpga.itb
imxtract ${loadaddr} fpga-core-1 ${coreaddr}
fpga load 0 ${coreaddr} ${filesize}
Aik Eu
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Hi aik,
I'm using the standard U-boot code from official Intel repository https://github.com/altera-opensource/u-boot-socfpga ,
I've seen in socfpga_common.h that there is a specific script for programming the core https://github.com/altera-opensource/u-boot-socfpga/blob/61ae22e548ebda525d5216d107e45f20eca70537/include/configs/socfpga_common.h#L193-L194
so I the fpga core is correctly loaded. The problem is in force reloading the peripheral bitstream.
Is there a way to force FPGA programming at every reboot? Maybe changing some code in preloader functions here? https://github.com/altera-opensource/u-boot-socfpga/blob/61ae22e548ebda525d5216d107e45f20eca70537/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/spl_a10.c#L114-L150
Or maybe it is better to make a step back and perform the full FPGA programming in SPL at every reboot instead in half in SPL and half in TPL?
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Hi GBraj,
Probably can try to modify the code to force it to reload FPGA bit stream by taking out the if (is_fpgamgr_user_mode()) condition when spl_board_init().
Anyway just wanto confirm that referring to this document AN 860: Using Intel® Arria® 10 SoC FPGA Early I/O Release, page 9
Did you enable the early IO release in your qsys design?
Aik Eu
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Hi Aik,
sorry for the delay: I've checked out the Early I/O Release and the checkboxes are selected both in "device options" of quartus and also in qsys. Let me try a little bit more next week so I will come to you with extensive trials: I will try also to change the code of the preloader.
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Hi Aik,
I've checked again the early I/O release, both in quartus and in qsys. Results are attached.
This is a screenshot of the console during booting, so it seems that early I/O are configured correctly.
I've prepared two .its files with two different bistreams (inside every .itb file there is the periph/core .rbf pair) and I confirm that only rebooting the board via linux does not trigger FPGA reconfiguration. Only a power cycle triggers the correct reconfiguration with the new .itb file. Probably the preloader is checking only the flags is_fpgamgr_user_mode and is_fpgamgr_early_user_mode.
So from now I will try to modify the code of spl_a10.c file. Is it correct to modify only the spl_board_init() function or I need to check other files in the preloader?
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Hi GBraj,
I cannot confirm whether just to modify that file spl_a10.c will be enough as I never did that particular attempt before, it may have some dependencies on the other file. Anyway can try modify first and see the outcome.
Aik Eu
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Hi aik,
I have some news: I modified the spl_board_init() function in spl_a10.c, changing the following lines (https://github.com/altera-opensource/u-boot-socfpga/blob/61ae22e548ebda525d5216d107e45f20eca70537/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/spl_a10.c#L126-L152) from that:
/* If the full FPGA is already loaded, ie.from EPCQ, config fpga pins */
if (is_fpgamgr_user_mode()) {
ret = config_pins(gd->fdt_blob, "shared");
if (ret)
ret = config_pins(gd->fdt_blob, "fpga");
if (ret)
} else if (!is_fpgamgr_early_user_mode()) {
/* Program IOSSM(early IO release) or full FPGA */
fpgamgr_program(buf, FPGA_BUFSIZ, 0);
/* Skipping double program for combined RBF */
if (!is_fpgamgr_user_mode()) {
* Expect FPGA entered early user mode, so
* the flag is set to re-program IOSSM
/* Re-program IOSSM to stabilize IO system */
fpgamgr_program(buf, FPGA_BUFSIZ, 0);
to this:
/* If the full FPGA is already loaded, force re-program (needed for reboot) */
if (is_fpgamgr_user_mode()) {
fpgamgr_program(buf, FPGA_BUFSIZ, 0);
fpgamgr_program(buf, FPGA_BUFSIZ, 0);
} else if (!is_fpgamgr_early_user_mode()) {
/* Program IOSSM(early IO release) or full FPGA */
fpgamgr_program(buf, FPGA_BUFSIZ, 0);
/* Skipping double program for combined RBF */
if (!is_fpgamgr_user_mode()) {
* Expect FPGA entered early user mode, so
* the flag is set to re-program IOSSM
/* Re-program IOSSM to stabilize IO system */
fpgamgr_program(buf, FPGA_BUFSIZ, 0);
So, in the first if I'm checking the FPGA status: since the boot is forced to SD/MMC card in my application, the FPGA can't be already loaded. This will break the compatibility with EPCQ load but in our case is not needed. Then, if it is in user mode, a reboot has been issued, forcing the reprogram. About this, I have a question: is the double programming needed for stability as suggested in the else condition below? Or a single reprogram of the peripherals is enough?
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Hi GBraj,
It looks like it is programming the same content again fom the code itself...
I do not understand why but anyway does the changes works on your side after linux issues reboot command?
Aik Eu
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Hi Aik,
now the changes are working as intended: a full reprogram (periph+core) of the FPGA is triggered on every reboot command by linux and also with the HPS cold reset button. Probably a more "elegant" solution would be an ifdef clause linked to a certain defconfig during the build stage of U-boot, in order to keep the compatibility with other boot sources (EPCQ/etc)...but it works.
About the double programming of peripherals, I've found some references in the official source code: https://github.com/altera-opensource/u-boot-socfpga/blob/61ae22e548ebda525d5216d107e45f20eca70537/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/misc_arria10.c#L142-L157
Could you please investigate internally with your colleagues if double periph config is needed on Arria 10 SoC?
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Hi GBraj,
Double config can solve the some issue related DDR issue in A10. So it will be required.
Aik Eu
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Hi GBraj,
I am closing this thread for now.
p/s: If any answer from the community or Intel Support are helpful, please feel free to give best answer or rate 4/5 survey.
Aik Eu

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