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Error using arm-eabi to make

New Contributor II


I'm using CycloneVsoc Dev Kit with QSPI boot.

I've made a spl and the application image to boot.


I found that the SPL can't find my application.

So I tried another HelloWorld image.

It works well.


When I checked the objdump I found the format of the axf files are different.

Here is the HelloWorld objdump:



using arm-none-eabi tool chain


And here is my project:


using arm-eabi tool chain <downloaded with the SOC EDS>

I also made a Timer Example, the format is the same as the HelloWorld one.


I use the same linker file and the same flags, I don't know why it is different.

Could you help me for that?

I attached the Makefile I made and the source code.You may need to delete the gpio led part of the code.


Best Wish





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2 Replies

Hi Alex,

Sorry for the late reply as I'm currently out for training for almost the entire week and thanks for using Altera forum.


Could you upload the attachment again? I could only see the screenshots on the objdump though.

Just a question, if you tried rebuilding the Hello World example using  arm-eabi tool chain , does it work? When you mentioned "So I tried another HelloWorld image." is it a pre-build one that you just use to boot?





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New Contributor II

Hi @khtan

It seems the last upload was failed due to the connection. I found it would be not easy to upload again.

About the question:

The other HelloWorld.img is a prebuild image using arm-none-eabi toolchain. The difference of section names was made by this.

Also, I've tried build HWlib example timer with arm-eabi toolchain. The format is normal as well. The vector table was at 0x00100040.

So, I suspect that my Makefile was made incorrectly.

By solving this, I just point to the different entry by mkimage -e <vector address in the objdump, in this case 0x00100068> -a 0x00100040.

After that I changed my Makefile for my project.

Could you give me a quick assumption of why it would happen? My linaro toolchain was downloaded with SOC EDS std 20.1

If you couldn't, please do whatever you need to this thread.


Thank you for your help



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