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461 Discussions

TCL Script - Automation of Compilation process and programming SOF file

New Contributor I



I am trying to create a TCL script for automating the compilation process and SOF file programming.


I get this Error - "Error:Unknown option: -outdir"

I changed the "-outdir" to "-output_directory" but again I get the same Error


This is the script I wrote:

package require ::quartus::project


# Set the project directory
set project_dir "Y"


# Set the project name
set project_name "X"


# Set the output directory for compiled files
set output_dir "$project_dir/output_files"


# Set the name of the SOF file
set sof_file "$project_name.sof"


# Open the project
project_open $project_dir/$project_name.qpf


# Compile the project
execute_module -tool map
execute_module -tool fit
execute_module -tool asm
execute_module -tool sta
execute_module -tool sign


# Create the output directory if it does not exist
file mkdir $output_dir


# Generate the SOF file
set sof_path $output_dir/$sof_file
execute_module -tool asm_sof -outdir $output_dir -file $sof_path


# Launch the programmer window
launch_programmer -hardware_name "USB-Blaster"


# Wait for the programmer to open
after 1000


# Select the device and file in the programmer window
program_device -position 1 -file $sof_path -operation "Program"


Note - I write X and Y because I can't write the original values here



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1 Solution

You may checkout this document for all the supported command-line and tcl scripting in Quartus.

The tcl command "execute_module -tool" support these option [-tool <asm|cdb|drc|eda|fit|map|syn|pow|sta|stp|sim|si|cpf|ipg|pfg> ]

I think the asm_sof is an illegal value. And there is no "output directory" option available for execute_module command.

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

View solution in original post

3 Replies

You may checkout this document for all the supported command-line and tcl scripting in Quartus.

The tcl command "execute_module -tool" support these option [-tool <asm|cdb|drc|eda|fit|map|syn|pow|sta|stp|sim|si|cpf|ipg|pfg> ]

I think the asm_sof is an illegal value. And there is no "output directory" option available for execute_module command.

Best Regards,

Richard Tan


As we do not receive any response from you on the previous question/reply/answer that we have provided. I now transition this thread to community support. 

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

p/s: If any answer from the community or Intel Support are helpful, please feel free to give best answer or rate 4/5 survey.

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New Contributor I

Hey Richard,


My updated TCL script:

package require ::quartus::project
package require ::quartus::flow

# Set the project directory
set project_dir "C:/Amir_Berger/Project/Y"

# Set the project name
set project_name "X"

# Set the output directory for compiled files
set output_dir "$project_dir/output_files"

# Set the name of the SOF file
set sof_file "$project_name.sof"

# Set the output directory for SOF file
set sof_dir "$output_dir/$sof_file"

# Open the project
project_open $project_dir/$project_name.qpf

# Complie Design
execute_flow -compile
qexec "quartus_pgm -c 1 -m JTAG -o MILTECH_2024.sof"


The errors I got:

Error:while executing
Error:"qexec "quartus_pgm -c 1 -m JTAG -o MILTECH_2024.sof""
Error: (file "ProgSOF_1.tcl" line 28)
Error: invoked from within
Error:"_source ProgSOF_1.tcl"
Error: ("uplevel" body line 1)
Error: invoked from within
Error:"uplevel 1 $cmd "
Error: (procedure "source" line 5)
Error: invoked from within
Error:"source ProgSOF_1.tcl"


Following this error description, I understand that the problem is related to the "qexec "quartus_pgm.." line, but I don't understand why.


I will appreciate your help




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