Intel® Unison™ App
Support for the Intel® Unison™ App, a Multi-Device Experience software product that allows users to connect their devices and collaborate between them.
97 Discussions

Unable to use Unison for calls



I am trying to set up Intel Unison to make calls from my PC but it isn't working. I get the below prompt:


Call hands free from your PC
Intel Unison needs to pair your PC and phone via Bluetooth and access your contacts.


I click on the 'Show me how' button and approve on my phone, I then get the below and click on done 


Mark messages as read
The Bluetooth connection was successful! Approve the Message access permission request on your mobile device so that app can mark messages you read on your PC as read on your mobile device.

Then it reverts back to the 'Call hands free from your PC' prompt. Any suggestions to help would be appreciated. I am using a Samsung Galaxy.
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