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Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library
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Intel® DAAL version 2020 is now available


Intel(R) DAAL 2020 is now available. Intel DAAL 2020 packages are now ready for download. Intel DAAL is available as part of the Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE and Intel(R) System Studio. Please visit the DAAL product page follow the link: https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-daal.

What's New in Intel(R) DAAL 2020:

Introduced new functionality:

  • Probabilistic classification and variable importance computation for Gradient Boosted Trees.
  • Classification Stump with Information gain and Gini index split methods.
  • Regression Stump with MSE split method.
  • Extended existing functionality:
  • Decision Tree functionality supports weighted data.
  • AdaBoost algorithm now works with multiple classes.
  • AdaBoost multiclass algorithm is available with SAMME and SAMME.R methods.AdaBoost, BrownBoost, and LogitBoost work with algorithms that support weights.
  • Improved performance for LBFGS Optimization Solver.
  • Check Intel®  DAAL 2020 release notes to learn more information.

Deprecation: Starting from Intel® DAAL 2020, Neural Networks will not have any new features and functionalities. The support will be completely discontinued from Intel® DAAL 2021. For more information, see the Deprecation Notes.

Check Intel® DAAL 2020 release notes to learn more information.

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