Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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Distributing Header Files?


I had a question regarding licensing and distribution of software which uses Intel MKL.  We are developing a toolkit that we are planning to publish soon which makes use of the Intel Math Kernel Library.  We previously purchased the "Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for C++ Linux," and are going to purchase the Mac and (likely) Windows version as well. 

When we distribute the production version of the software, we planned to distribute a custom dynamically linked library (generated as detailed in the MKL User Guide), and also include the necessary header files, so that users can compile our code.  However, I was perplexed to not find the mkl.h and mkl_lapacke.h header files listed in the redist.txt. For our users to be able to build our software on their machines, they need to have the header files.  Surely this does not mean that all software using MKL must be only distributed as pre-compiled binaries? 

Our software is non-commercial and purely academic.  Is it appropriate to include these two header files in distribution?  If not, how will our users be able to compile our software on their machine? 

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1 Reply

Hi George,

The files that are not listed in the redist.txt cannot be redistributed without permission. Is it acceptable for you to ask your users to download Intel MKL with community license: Intel MKL can be downloaded from here and can be used with the community license. Please let us know if this will work for you?

Thank you,


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