Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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Evaluation install: where are the dirs for includes, libs?

I downloaded evaluation copy of version 10.1, and found some instruction to link to MKL from C++ for 9.0 as in below; but when i looked in my dir where I installed MKL, I could not find any such dirs like "C:\Program Files\Intel\MKL\9.0\include", all I have is a download dir; i serached and did not find any lib files either.

Intel MKL 9.0 with Microsoft* Visual C++* .NET 2003 or Microsoft* Visual C++* 2005

  1. Select View Solution Explorer (and make sure this window is active).
  2. Select Tools Options Projects VC++ Directories.
  3. In the drop down menu titled Show directories for:, select Include Files, and then type in the directory for the Intel MKL include files (e.g. default: C:Program FilesIntelMKL9.0include).
  4. In the drop down menu titled Show directories for:, select Library Files, and then type in the directory for the Intel MKL library files (e.g. default: C:Program FilesIntelMKL9.0ia32lib).
  5. In the drop down menu titled Show directories for:, select Executable Files, and then type in the directory for the Intel MKL executable files (e.g. default: C:Program FilesIntelMKL9.0ia32
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2 Replies
Valued Contributor I

did install complete with no errors? (after downloading and expanding file you need to execute install program) As your version is 10.1 you won't have /9.0/.... folder but something similar. Linking examples are just .... examples and you need to modify the path to match your particular installation tree.

what platform (IA32/x64) are you on?


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I found the dirs under my machine's D:Program FilesIntelMKL10.1.2.026; I was looking at D:Program Files (x86) and cound not find them...
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