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Intel MKL dll redistribution


I have a question about the license and usage possibilities of the intel mkl .dll's. Is it possible to include the (unaltered) mkl .dll's* in a (Windows) product for our customers?

I understand that there is now a no-cost option for mkl []. How does this no-cost option relate to the use and redistribution of the dll's? Does this mean that it is sufficient to register? Does each end user of the product need to register? Or are additional steps necessary?

*provided in the Anaconda Python 2.7 distribution [].

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

The question might receive more timely attention on the companion forum on intel software licensing.  If  you have a full license to an Intel compiler including mkl which entitles you to distribute a compiled application then I understand you may include the run time dlls required or refer the customer to the run time distributable download for that compiler.

As you said, each customer could register for the community download 

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Hi Martin, 

could you please tell how do you use the redistributed mkl .dll and what kind of application are you working ? 

Technical speaking, the no-cost option, the license should be same as intel software standard EULA.   community Licensing is provided as a Named-User License per our standard end user licensing agreement, without support, and with no fees, no royalties, and no restrictions on company or project sizes.

and MKL FAQ. 

Are there royalty fees for using Intel MKL?

No. There is no per copy royalty fee. Check the Intel MKL end user license agreement (EULA) for more details.

What files am I allowed to redistribute?
In general, the redistributable files include the linkable files (.DLL for Windows* and .SO files for Linux*). With your purchase of Intel MKL (and updates through the support service subscription), you receive the redist.txt file which outlines the list of files that can be redistributed. The evaluation versions of Intel MKL do not include redistribution rights. See EULA for all terms.

So it should be allowed to include the (unaltered) mkl .dll's* in a (Windows) product for your customers

Best Regards,


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Thank you for your replies.

Our company has a license "Intel® Math Kernel Library for Windows* Named-user"  bought in June 2014. 

We build a python application and the mkl dll's are included automatically through the Anaconda distribution. There are used by the python libraries numpy and scipy.

With this additional information, is your remark still true, that it is allowed to include the (unaltered) mkl .dll's* in a (Windows) product for our customers?

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