Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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I just learned C programming a few weeks ago, so a lot of stuff is a bit over my head. Currently, I'm doing some research for one of my professors. He asked that I learn C in order to write a program that calculates the power spectrums of various molecular systems. Anyway, I'm trying to use MKL to calculate the DFT of the velocity autocorrelation function of these systems. I have already written the program for the autocorrelation. The data is stored in a 1-D array I call Cv (i is the time domain index). I also have my n value assigned to a variable I call Ntstep. All I need to do is calculate the DFT of the 1-D, real data in that array. I would like my output to be complex, and in two arrays of the form Sreal and Simag (j is the frequency domain index). This way I can calculate the power spectrum from the DFT. It seems simple enough; and, in fact, I can write three or four lines to do this without MKL, but the computation is very slow. So, my professor has asked me to use MKL. I vaguely understand how the examples work, and they don't seem to offer much help since they seem to read in data that is calculated by a program called dfti_examples_support.c; my data is just sitting there in an array....How do I use it? Please, anyone that can get me going here will have ended a couple weeks worth of incredible frustration. Any suggestions or examples?
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