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OpenMP and MKL in Visual Studio, Fortran Language


Hello everybody,

I am using FORTRAN language in Visual Studio 2008, running in the following machine: 32 GB of RAM, Intel Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.4GHz, 64 bit OS.

I have already finished my code (serial-type code), however I would like to parallelize it. I have already identified that the code takes most of the time solving the system of equations using CALL GBSV from the MKL library. This subroutine is called many times as it is a time-discrete problem. I read in one of the web forums that MKL is already "adjusted" to automatically support parallelism, is that right? If so, how can I do it in order to see the improvement in the CPU time. If I have to do it manually, can somebody please let me know how can I assign the 8 processors (threads of the shared memory PC I am working on) to work in the sole purpose of the subroutine GBSV? Please find the source code snippet.

Thank you very much in advance.



                    dtn = dt
                    ct = 1
                    sumdt = 0.0_dp
                    do while (sumdt < tp)
                        ct = ct + 1

                        call GBSV(BTMnni, RHSnn, Nz*Nth, IPIV, INFO)

                        deallocate(Psfr, STAT = DeAllocateStatus)
                        allocate(Psfr((Nz*Nr*Nth),ct), STAT = AllocateStatus)
                        if (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory ***"
                        Psfr(:,ct) = RHSnn(:,1)
                        do i = 1,(ct-1)
                            Psfr(:,i) = Psfrtemp(:,i)
                        end do
                        deallocate(Psfrtemp, STAT = DeAllocateStatus)
                        allocate(Psfrtemp((Nz*Nr*Nth),ct), STAT = AllocateStatus)
                        if (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory ***" 
                        Psfrtemp = Psfr
                        do i = 1,(Nz*Nth*Nr)
                            DeltaP(i) = abs(Psfr(i,ct) - Psfr(i,(ct-1)))
                        end do
                        DPMAX = maxval(DeltaP)
                        if (DPMAX <= MULT*DPLIM) then
                            sumdt = sumdt + dtn
                            dtn = dtn*(DPLIM/DPMAX)
                            if ((sumdt+dtn > tp) .AND. (sumdt /= tp)) then
                                dtn = tp - sumdt
                            end if
                            BMnn = 0.0_dp          
                            do i = 1,(Nz*Nth*Nr)
                                BMnn(i,i) = ((1.0_dp)/(dtn))*B(i) 
                            end do
                            do i = 1,(Nz*Nth)
                                if ((bcinboncongp(i) > 0.5_dp) .AND. (bcinboncongp(i) < 2.0_dp)) then
                                    WSv(i) = (C*Vijk(i))/(Vpws)
                                    WSv(i) = 0.0_dp
                                end if
                                BMnn(i,i) = ((B(i)) + (WSv(i)))/(dtn)
                            end do
                            do i = 1,(Nz*Nth*Nr)
                                BTMnn((1+(Nz*Nth)+(Nz*Nth)),i) = MDnn(i) + BMnn(i,i)
                            end do
                            BTMnni = BTMnn
                            RHSnn(:,1) = matmul(BMnn,Psfr(:,ct)) - NNSSV
                            do while (DPMAX > MULT*DPLIM)
                                dtn = dtn*(DPLIM/DPMAX)
                                BMnn = 0.0_dp          
                                do i = 1,(Nz*Nth*Nr)
                                    BMnn(i,i) = ((1.0_dp)/(dtn))*B(i) 
                                end do
                                do i = 1,(Nz*Nth)
                                    if ((bcinboncongp(i) > 0.5_dp) .AND. (bcinboncongp(i) < 2.0_dp)) then
                                        WSv(i) = (C*Vijk(i))/(Vpws)
                                        WSv(i) = 0.0_dp
                                    end if
                                    BMnn(i,i) = ((B(i)) + (WSv(i)))/(dtn)
                                end do
                                do i = 1,(Nz*Nth*Nr)
                                    BTMnn((1+(Nz*Nth)+(Nz*Nth)),i) = MDnn(i) + BMnn(i,i)
                                end do
                                BTMnni = BTMnn
                                RHSnn(:,1) = matmul(BMnn,Psfr(:,ct-1)) - NNSSV 

                                call GBSV(BTMnni, RHSnn, Nz*Nth, IPIV, INFO)

                                deallocate(Psfr, STAT = DeAllocateStatus)
                                allocate(Psfr((Nz*Nr*Nth),ct), STAT = AllocateStatus)
                                if (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory ***"
                                Psfr(:,ct) = RHSnn(:,1)
                                do i = 1,(ct-1)
                                    Psfr(:,i) = Psfrtemp(:,i)
                                end do
                                deallocate(Psfrtemp, STAT = DeAllocateStatus)
                                allocate(Psfrtemp((Nz*Nr*Nth),ct), STAT = AllocateStatus)
                                if (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory ***" 
                                Psfrtemp = Psfr
                                do i = 1,(Nz*Nth*Nr)
                                    DeltaP(i) = abs(Psfr(i,ct) - Psfr(i,(ct-1)))
                                end do
                                DPMAX = maxval(DeltaP)

                            end do
                            sumdt = sumdt + dtn
                            dtn = dtn*(DPLIM/DPMAX)
                            if ((sumdt+dtn > tp) .AND. (sumdt /= tp)) then
                                dtn = tp - sumdt
                            end if
                            BMnn = 0.0_dp          
                            do i = 1,(Nz*Nth*Nr)
                                BMnn(i,i) = ((1.0_dp)/(dtn))*B(i) 
                            end do
                            do i = 1,(Nz*Nth)
                                if ((bcinboncongp(i) > 0.5_dp) .AND. (bcinboncongp(i) < 2.0_dp)) then
                                    WSv(i) = (C*Vijk(i))/(Vpws)
                                    WSv(i) = 0.0_dp
                                end if
                                BMnn(i,i) = ((B(i)) + (WSv(i)))/(dtn)
                            end do
                            do i = 1,(Nz*Nth*Nr)
                                BTMnn((1+(Nz*Nth)+(Nz*Nth)),i) = MDnn(i) + BMnn(i,i)
                            end do
                            BTMnni = BTMnn
                            RHSnn(:,1) = matmul(BMnn,Psfr(:,ct)) - NNSSV

                        end if
                        deallocate(tv, STAT = DeAllocateStatus)
                        allocate(tv(ct), STAT = AllocateStatus)
                        if (AllocateStatus /=0 ) STOP "*** Not enough memory ***"
                        tv(ct) = sumdt
                        do i = 1,(ct-1)
                            tv(i) = tvtemp(i)
                        end do
                        deallocate(tvtemp, STAT = DeAllocateStatus)
                        allocate(tvtemp(ct), STAT = AllocateStatus)
                        if (AllocateStatus /= 0) STOP "*** Not enough memory ***"
                        tvtemp = tv

                    end do


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3 Replies


"I read in one of the web forums that MKL is already "adjusted" to automatically support parallelism, is that right?  " Yes, that's right. MKL is automatically supports parallelism in the case if you link your application with threaded version of MKL instead of sequential. The most part of MKL's routines are threaded including gbsv.  

From this snippet not clear what is the problem size and #of right hands in your case? 

0 Kudos

You can set mkl_set_num_threads(8)  just before the MKL function call and this will specify the number of threads to be used for that function.

Please refer  

You may also try to set mkl_set_dynamic(0) for disabling MKL deciding the number of threads dynamically.




0 Kudos

Good morning,

Thank you very much for the answers!

@Gennady Fedorov (Intel): The number of RHS is only 1. However, when I set up the following in the Project properties, the code actually spent 5 more minutes: Properties>Fortran>Optimization.Parallelization: Yes: (/Qparallel); Properties>Fortran>Language>Process OpenMP Directives: Generate Parallel Code (/Qopenmp).


@Vipin Kumar E K (Intel): I am trying to implement this commands, but I get an error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths.

This is what I included in the code, at the very beginning:

module mboundaries1
use minput
use mgridding
use mvectors
use mwbgridmapping
use omp_lib
use mkl_service
implicit none

And this is what I specified before using the GBSV MKL function call

call mkl_set_num_threads(8)
call GBSV(BTMnni, RHSnn, Nz*Nth, IPIV, INFO)

However I got the error mentioned above. Can you lease let me know what exactly do I have to do to properly link the libraries? Where do I have to include the paths, if I have to do it between " " or ' ', do I have to add the source exiting file into my source files folder in visual studio?

Thank you very much.


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