Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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Using community license of Intel MKL for multiple users


The community license is is a "Named-User" license.

My understanding is that multiple copies of the library has to be installed for each end user. However, this proves to be a little technical difficulty for us. Security is a major concern for us. The server will be isolated from internet except for limited access for certain business activities. Each end user will not be able to transfer data in or out the server. Only the administrator can do it.


Is it OK for the root user to install a single copy of the library system wide (/opt/intel is the default installation directory), and each end user will still register, and active an license, which will be put into each user’s home directory.


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1 Reply

Hi  Woodbird and all,

Add clarify, we  removed  The "named user" restriction and  simplify the MKL license agreement now.

MKL  follow the  Intel Simplified Software License :

Please see more in

you can install either multiple copies or one copy  and share it with multiply users.

Best Regards,


The Intel Simplified Software License applies to the following products:

  • Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL)
  • Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP)
  • Intel® Distribution for Python
  • Intel® Machine Learning Scaling Library (Intel® MLSL)

The Intel License for Installer Program applies to just the Installer Program used with the following products.  The products themselves are licensed under the Intel Simplified Software License above.

  • Intel® MKL
  • Intel® IPP
  • Intel® MLSL
  • Intel® Distribution for Python
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