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i7-870 and mkl

I have the following question: I have bought in 2008 a Intel Visual fortran compiler Professional for windows 10.1.025 and the mkl libraries Now I want to buy a new computer with a i7-870 processor with L3 cache.

will the intel fortran compiler and mkl libraries be working efficiently with a L3 cache?

The reason we are asking is that we saw in the web that for skalapack is not able to optimize for L3 cache, as it does not know about it

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III
You should be able to download updates issued within a year of your initial registration, which should take you into the period when Nehalem architecture was supported by MKL, including good defaults for use with HyperThreading. In any case, the unified L3 simplifies the job of the OpenMP library, at least when HT isn't active. If you go from 1 or 2 cores to 4, you are likely to see more advantage in using KMP_AFFINITY, regardless of whether you upgrade your Intel libraries, particularly on Windows versions prior to Windows 7.
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