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I'm trying to compile and run pardiso_solv_sym_inv.f90 program from PARDISO.
My compilation is succesfull but during the execution I get a segmentation fault error.
Obviously my linking in not correct.
Can anyone advice me how to link? Thanks.
My makerules file:
PROGRAMS = pardiso_solv_sym_inv
pardiso_solv_sym_inv : pardiso_solv_sym_inv.o
$(FC) $(PFLAGS) -o $@ pardiso_solv_sym_inv.o $(PLIBS)
all : $(PROGRAMS)
rm -v *.o *.mod $(PROGRAMS)
.f90.o :
$(FC) $(SFLAGS) -c $<
My makfile:
.SUFFIXES: .f90 .o
FC = /opt/intel/bin/ifort
DIRECTIVES = -axAVX -ansi-alias -ip -sox -mcmodel=large
MKLROOT = /opt/intel/composer_xe_2015.3.187
CDIRS = -I$(MKLROOT)/mkl/include -L$(MKLROOT)/mkl/lib/intel64/ -L$(MKLROOT)/mkl/lib/mic/libmkl_blacs_intelmpi_ilp64.so
COMPFLAGS = -DMKL_ILP64 -w -g -O2 -fdefault-integer-8
LIBS = -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lm
PLIBS = $(LIBS) -lmkl_intel_thread -lpthread
MAKERULES = /group/adhis/Kon/mkl/fortran/makerules
include ${MAKERULES}
The error I get:
[PARDISO]: License check was successful ...
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Link Copied
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Here are the Pardiso examples from the Parallel Studio 2016 distribution:
pardiso_sym_f.f pardiso_sym_f90.f90 pardiso_sym_reduced_solve_f.f pardiso_unsym_cmplx_store_restore_f.f pardiso_unsym_complex_f.f pardiso_unsym_f.f sjacobi_rci_f.f
The source file name that you gave is not among those, so one needs to have the source code in order to look into the reported problem.
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Hi there,
Her is the source code:
! Example program to show the use of the "PARDISO" routine
! for symmetric linear systems
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! This program can be downloaded from the following site:
! http://www.pardiso-project.org
! (C) Olaf Schenk, Institute of Computational Science
! Universita della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
! Email: olaf.schenk@usi.ch
! --------------------------------------------------------------------
PROGRAM pardiso_sym
!.. Internal solver memory pointer
INTEGER(8) :: pt(64)
!.. All other variables
INTEGER :: maxfct, mnum, mtype, phase, n, nrhs, error, msglvl
INTEGER :: iparm(64)
INTEGER :: ia(9)
INTEGER :: ja(18)
REAL(8) :: dparm(64)
REAL(8) :: a(18)
REAL(8) :: b(8)
REAL(8) :: x(8)
REAL(8) :: y(8)
INTEGER :: i, j, idum, solver
REAL(8) :: waltime1, waltime2, ddum, normb, normr
!.. Fill all arrays containing matrix data.
DATA n /8/, nrhs /1/, maxfct /1/, mnum /1/
DATA ia /1,5,8,10,12,15,17,18,19/
/1, 3, 6, 7, &
2, 3, 5,
3, 8, &
4, 7, &
5, 6, 7, &
6, 8, &
7, &
/7.d0, 1.d0, 2.d0, 7.d0, &
-4.d0, 8.d0, 2.d0, &
1.d0, 5.d0, &
7.d0, 9.d0, &
5.d0, 1.d0, 5.d0, &
0.d0, 5.d0, &
11.d0, &
! .. set right hand side
do i = 1, n
b(i) = 1.d0
end do
! .. Setup Pardiso control parameters und initialize the solvers
! internal adress pointers. This is only necessary for the FIRST
! call of the PARDISO solver.
mtype = -2 ! unsymmetric matrix symmetric, indefinite
solver = 10 ! use sparse direct method
! .. PARDISO license check and initialize solver
call pardisoinit(pt, mtype, solver, iparm, dparm, error)
! .. Numbers of Processors ( value of OMP_NUM_THREADS )
iparm(3) = 1
IF (error .NE. 0) THEN
IF (error.EQ.-10 ) WRITE(*,*) 'No license file found'
IF (error.EQ.-11 ) WRITE(*,*) 'License is expired'
IF (error.EQ.-12 ) WRITE(*,*) 'Wrong username or hostname'
WRITE(*,*) '[PARDISO]: License check was successful ... '
! .. pardiso_chk_matrix(...)
! Checks the consistency of the given matrix.
! Use this functionality only for debugging purposes
CALL pardiso_chkmatrix (mtype, n, a, ia, ja, error);
IF (error .NE. 0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) 'The following ERROR was detected: ', error
! .. pardiso_chkvec(...)
! Checks the given vectors for infinite and NaN values
! Input parameters (see PARDISO user manual for a description):
! Use this functionality only for debugging purposes
CALL pardiso_chkvec (n, nrhs, b, error);
IF (error .NE. 0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) 'The following ERROR was detected: ', error
! .. pardiso_printstats(...)
! prints information on the matrix to STDOUT.
! Use this functionality only for debugging purposes
CALL pardiso_printstats (mtype, n, a, ia, ja, nrhs, b, error);
IF (error .NE. 0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) 'The following ERROR was detected: ', error
!.. Reordering and Symbolic Factorization, This step also allocates
! all memory that is necessary for the factorization
phase = 11 ! only reordering and symbolic factorization
msglvl = 1 ! with statistical information
iparm(33) = 1 ! compute determinant
CALL pardiso (pt, maxfct, mnum, mtype, phase, n, a, ia, ja,
1 idum, nrhs, iparm, msglvl, ddum, ddum, error, dparm)
WRITE(*,*) 'Reordering completed ... '
IF (error .NE. 0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) 'The following ERROR was detected: ', error
WRITE(*,*) 'Number of nonzeros in factors = ',iparm(18)
WRITE(*,*) 'Number of factorization MFLOPS = ',iparm(19)
!.. Factorization.
phase = 22 ! only factorization
CALL pardiso (pt, maxfct, mnum, mtype, phase, n, a, ia, ja,
1 idum, nrhs, iparm, msglvl, ddum, ddum, error, dparm)
IF (iparm(33).EQ.1) THEN
write(*,*) 'Log of determinant is ', dparm(33)
WRITE(*,*) 'Factorization completed ... '
IF (error .NE. 0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) 'The following ERROR was detected: ', error
!.. Back substitution and iterative refinement
iparm(8) = 1 ! max numbers of iterative refinement steps
phase = 33 ! only solve
CALL pardiso (pt, maxfct, mnum, mtype, phase, n, a, ia, ja,
1 idum, nrhs, iparm, msglvl, b, x, error, dparm)
WRITE(*,*) 'Solve completed ... '
WRITE(*,*) 'The solution of the system is '
DO i = 1, n
WRITE(*,*) ' x(',i,') = ', x(i)
!.. Residual test
normb = 0
normr = 0
CALL pardiso_residual (mtype, n, a, ia, ja, b, x, y, normb, normr)
WRITE(*,*) 'The norm of the residual is ',normr/normb
!.. Selected Inversion
phase = -22
CALL pardiso (pt, maxfct, mnum, mtype, phase, n, a, ia, ja,
1 idum, nrhs, iparm, msglvl, b, x, error, dparm)
!.. Print diagonal elements of the inverse of A = (a, ia, ja) */
do i = 1, n
j = ia(i)
write(*,*) 'Diagonal',i,'-element of A^{-1} = ', a(j)
end do
!.. Termination and release of memory
phase = -1 ! release internal memory
CALL pardiso (pt, maxfct, mnum, mtype, phase, n, ddum, idum, idum,
1 idum, nrhs, iparm, msglvl, ddum, ddum, error, dparm)
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The MKL version of Pardiso and the newer version from www.pardiso-project.org are not 100 percent compatible. You can adapt the example to make the calls MKL-compatible, or use it as is but link with the Pardiso library from that site.

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