Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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mkl with gfortran? is License required?

新規コントリビューター I

Somebody handed me a program and I need to compile it, they use the Intel Fortran compiler and even link in the MKL library; but, I don't have Intel Fortran.


  • Can I use the MKL library with gfortran?
  • Does use of MKL require a license?
1 解決策
新規コントリビューター I

Well, I have not actually tried to use mkl with gfortran, I will cross that bridge when/if I get to it.


After learning that I can install Intel Fortran and use it without the need for a license, then, my question is irrelevant.


Thanks everybody for your replies.


Closing issue (is there a way to close it?) 



7 返答(返信)
名誉コントリビューター III

You did not state which OS you use, but in general MKL can be used using Intel Fortran, Intel C or GNU Fortran and C. The details vary with the OS and versions of tools.

Since a few months, you can obtain and use Intel Fortran and MKL without paying for a license; paid priority support is available as an option. You will need the HPC Toolkit and the Base Toolkit .


German, if you are using Intel® Math Kernel Library as a stand-alone product you do not need a license. If you are using it as part of the legacy Intel® Parallel Studio XE suite, you would need a license for it as it also includes Fortran and C++ compilers in it.

If you want to use the latest toolkits, you can use MKL without a license. Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library is a part of the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit. Please click here:, to download the product.

新規コントリビューター I

Hello again, and thanks to both of you for your replies.

I have downloaded and installed Base+HPC Kits and, sure enough, I have been able to use and build a program without the need for any license. Thank you very much for that.

Forgive my old fashion ways, but I have never cared for IDEs like Eclipse, let alone Visual Studio (I have been mostly Linux kind of guy, anyway). The reason why I bring this up is because I noticed a big emphasis by the oneAPI kits on having Visual Studio as a pre-requisite; I think Base allowed installation, but HPC may have refused installation until I installed VS.

Am I to understand that these oneAPI products are not quite standalone and that in fact require Visual Studio, even if I just want to use them from the command line?


P.S. Oh, just noticed a previous post of mine did not make it...that's where I mentioned I am working on Windows 10.


名誉コントリビューター III

There are many non-visual components of Visual Studio; these are required to compile, link and run C/C++ programs. These components include the C compiler, linker, libraries, debug facilities, etc. Intel Fortran leverages these components.

I rarely use the Visual Studio IDE, since the command line works fine for me. However, most users work almost entirely within Visual Studio, so many descriptions cater to these users.




>>Can I use the MKL library with gfortran?

According to the link line advisor tool, gfortran is supported only on Linux platform for now. Please visit this link:


Please let us know if you need any more information.





新規コントリビューター I

Well, I have not actually tried to use mkl with gfortran, I will cross that bridge when/if I get to it.


After learning that I can install Intel Fortran and use it without the need for a license, then, my question is irrelevant.


Thanks everybody for your replies.


Closing issue (is there a way to close it?) 



 we are closing this thread for now. If you require any additional assistance from Intel, please start a new thread. Any further interaction in this thread will be considered community only.
