Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks
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Nutshell Book on Intel Threading Building Blocks Now Available

New Contributor II

My book on Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) is now available from O'Reilly Media.

It was a lot of work, and many people helped with the book, and I'm very pleased with the results. I hope this book helps make TBB more popular and easy for more people to use and understand. Even if you have been using TBB - I think I've provided insights, examples and motivational information that will be very useful to you.

O'Reilly's Book Websiteand has more information, and Chapter 1 is available for download as a sample of my writing and an overview of TBB and the book.

About half the book is dedicated to examples, ranging in complexity. I think seeing the code and studying it is very helpful in making TBB intuitive. The code for the examples can be downloaded from

The book should be useful to novices and experts alike.The material is approachable for all C/C++ programmers, without ever being annoying to experts. Feedback from reviewers so far has been very positive.

Several professors gave feedback to me that they would see the book as an excellent text to work from in introducing parallel programming. I'm very interested in working with any teachers who decide to use it in teaching.

O'Reilly's Book Website
Also available: Amazon, Powells, Barnes & Noble, Shop Intel

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1 Reply

James Doctor ,I am a green hand,

could you please send me the examples about this book to,I can't find it,thank you very much!

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