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Exploring Intel AMT WS-MAN Settings - Class setting dump tool


A couple of months ago, when I started experimenting with WS-MAN, one of the things I did to explore the topic was write a WS-MAN class setting dump tool to enable me to examine WS-MAN class settings on Intel AMT platforms. Great for learning, and as it turned out, useful for debugging as well ... being able to dump a complete list of client settings has been helpful

The tool is written in VBScript and is included in the attached ZIP. I am not a scripting guru so the script is probably not the most elegant, but may be useful. It works with clients provisioned in Enterprise or SMB mode, with or without certificates, with Digest or Kerberos authentication and with or without the Intel WS-MAN Translator

To run the tool, use the syntax

cscript DumpWsman.vbs ClientHostname [optional switches]

The optional switches are:-




/User:Username /Pass:Password






ClientHostname specifies the Intel(R) AMT client hostname

/? Displays tool usage

/Domain:Domainname specifies Intel(R) AMT client domain name. The default is VPROLAB.COM

/Ver:Version specifies Intel(R) AMT client firmware version. The default is 3.2.1

/User:Username and /Pass:Password specifies digest credentials. By default, Kerberos authentication is used

/NoTLS specifies not to use TLS. By default, TLS is used

/IgnoreCerts specifies not to validate certificates when using TLS. By default, certificates are validated

/Trans:FQDN specifies FQDN of Intel(R) WS-MAN translator. The default is SCCM.VPROLAB.COM

/Class:Classname specifies a specific WSMAN classname to dump. By default, all classes supported by Intel AMT V5 are dumped

The default domain name setting is VPROLAB.COM and can be edited in the script source code to suite the target environment and save using the /Domain switch every time

The /Ver switch controls whether the tool attempts direct communication with the client, or uses the Intel WS-MAN Translator to communicate with the client. Specify a version of 3.2, 4.0 or 5.0 and the tool will attempt direct communication. Specify a version of 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.6 or 3.0 (or an unknown version) and the tool will use the Intel WS-MAN Translator. If you want to force the tool to use the Intel WS-MAN Translator even though you are retreiving class settings from an Intel AMT 3.2 or later client, then use the /Ver switch to force the tool into believing the client firmware is earlier than it really is. This can be useful if you want to run the tool on the actual Intel AMT client and therefore need to use the Intel WS-MAN Translator as a reflector. The FQDN of the Intel WS-MAN Translator can be specified using the /Trans switch if the default is not suitable - or the script source can be edited to change the default to suite the target environment

If you are using Kerberos authentication (the default) through the Intel WS-MAN Translator, make sure the server hosting the Intel WS-MAN Translator has Kerberos delegation enabled otherwise Kerberos authentication will fail

The /Class switch specifies a specific WS-MAN class to retrieve. This setting is case sensitive and details of available classes are contained in the Intel AMT WS-Management Class Reference included in the Intel AMT SDK documentation. If no class is specified, all available classes are dumped (and this can be a lot on an Intel AMT client using version 5.X firmware)

Here are some usage examples:-

Example # 1 retrieves the BIOS information directly from an Intel AMT client and uses Kerberos authentication

>cscript DumpWSMan hp6930p /Class:CIM_BIOSElement

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

Client FQDN:

WSMAN Service URL:


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2 Replies

Very nice I will give this a try.

Trevor Sullivan

Systems Engineer

OfficeMax Corporation

0 Kudos

Oh by the way, it might be easier to develop using the Manageability Stack library included with the Intel AMT DTK.

There are .NET wrapper classes already created that make strongly-typed development nice and easy

Trevor Sullivan

Systems Engineer

OfficeMax Corporation

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