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I used SCCMSP1 (build 4.00.6181.1000) provision with AMT 3.2.1 successfully and can remote power on/off AMT machine. When the out of band management console connects to the selected
AMT-based computer but console does not display any information. I check <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\AdminUI\AdminUILog\Oobconsole.log. It indicate below reason: "GetAMTPowerState fail with result:0x80070035." This
could be a configuration issue in the AMT-based computer's BIOS extensions for
serial over LAN and IDE redirection. But I double check the setting and make sure enable "user name and password" for the serial over LAN and IDE redirection. Any wrong on the setting?
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Thank you for the response.
I have verified that the system account for the Primary site server does have full control to the OU where the AMT objects are being creating. No change in results.
Please let me know if there are additional items that I can do to resolve this issue.
Is there a support number that specializes in AMT provisioning and SCCM integration.
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