Intel vPro® Platform
Intel Manageability Forum for Intel® EMA, AMT, SCS & Manageability Commander
2920 Discussions

RCS failed to load a valid 3rd party Certificate Authority mediation DLL file


I have installed SCS and RCS to manage vPro devices.


How ever when I start the RCS Server service the following entries are displayed in the RCSLog.log file :

2017-06-04 00:04:45: Thread:3244(INFO) : RCS Server , Category: CA Mediation Plugins Source: CaMediationCOMInterface.cpp : CAInterfaceNamespace::CAMediationComInterface::init Line: 173: RCS failed to load a valid 3rd party Certificate Authority mediation DLL file, so RCS disabled the option. (0xc0003f5e).

2017-06-04 00:04:45: Thread:3244(DETAIL) : RCS Server , Category: CA Mediation Plugins Source: c:\workst\f5ded80e061e568\products\scs\modules\cainterface\CaMediationCOMInterface.h : CAInterfaceNamespace::ProcessManager::TerminateIfFilenameMatches Line: 69: Entering

2017-06-04 00:04:45: Thread:3244(DETAIL) : RCS Server , Category: CA Mediation Plugins Source: c:\workst\f5ded80e061e568\products\scs\modules\cainterface\CaMediationCOMInterface.h : CAInterfaceNamespace::ProcessManager::TerminateIfFilenameMatches Line: 75: Exiting

2017-06-04 00:04:45: Thread:3092(ERROR) : RCS Server , Category: Initial 3rd party CA Mediation DLL. Source: Src\RCSServer.cpp : CServiceModule::Run Line: 1433: RCS failed to load a valid 3rd party Certificate Authority mediation DLL file, so RCS disabled the option. (0xc0003f5e).

Can anybody tell me what causes the error message " RCS failed to load a valid 3rd party Certificate Authority mediation DLL file,"


I have checked the certificates and they are all correct.


Any suggestions are welcome
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4 Replies


Hi - If you are able to reference the SCS User Guide which is in the 11.1 download and can go to section 9.3 "Using Intel SCS with the CA Plugin" what happens is by default SCS requests certificates from a Microsoft Certificate Authority (CA). I get this error in my RCSlog.log file when i restart my rcs service. I'm assuming that everything still works for you, you are just curious about this specific message that you see in your log file, is that right?



0 Kudos

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your answer.


I am using a Microsoft Certificate Authority, so, to my opinion, I don't need a CA-plugin.

At this moment several functions work, but others, which are more important for us, don't work in SCS.

  • The function "Discovery data - remote" in the list of systems is OK
  • The function "et configuration Password" in the list of systems is OK
  • The job "Get discovery data" on 1 device is OK.
  • The job "Get discovery data" on all device is OK
  • The job "Configuration" to enable IDER and SOL


    Gives the following messages in the Operation logs of the device :


    Intel(R) AMT operation completed with warnings:


    The IDER is disabled in the Intel(R) MEBX of the system and cannot be enabled using Intel SCS.


    Error ode : 3221227479
  • The job "Reconfiguration" to enable SOL while IDER is already enabled


    Gives the following messages in the Operation logs of the device :


    Intel(R) AMT operation completed with warnings:


    The SOL is disabled in the Intel(R) MEBX of the system and cannot be enabled using Intel SCS.


    Error ode : 3221227479
  • The job "Partial Unconfiguration"


    Gives the following messages in the Operation logs of the device


    Intel(R) AMT operation failed.


    Error while unconfiguring settings. AMT Status code - Not permitted.


    Error code : 3221227477
  • The job "Full Unconfiguration"


    Gives the following messages in the Operation logs of the device :


    Intel(R) AMT operation failed.


    Error while unconfiguring settings. AMT Status code - Not permitted.


    Error code : 3221227477


The primary function which we want to use is (re-) configuring the MEBx BIOS-settings :-{

The certificate is imported on the server where RCS runs, in the personal store of the Network Service Account.


The certificate is not installed on the Microsoft CA.


RCS service runs on the same server as yhe SCS-application.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos


Hi Sjaak,

I've had to collaborate with some of my colleagues on this. We'd like to meet with you as there are a few questions we have. Would you be open to submitting a ticket at our support site for SCS: Support for Intel® Setup and Configuration Software (Intel® SCS)

Provide us with contact information and availability and we can set up a short meeting.



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Hi Sjaak,

I see the ticket and am taking ownership. Will communicate from there.



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