Intel vPro® Platform
Intel Manageability Forum for Intel® EMA, AMT, SCS & Manageability Commander
2869 Discussions

Upgrading from EMA v1.12.2.0 to Intel® EMA v1.13.1.0




What is the procedure for vergen up from Intel® EMA v1.12.2.0 to Intel® EMA v1.13.1.0?


The Intel® Endpoint Management Assistant (Intel® EMA) Cloud Start Tool for Azure* (Advanced Template) was used to install Intel® EMA.


The download URL is as follow


Intel® Endpoint Management Assistant (Intel® EMA) Cloud Start Tool for Azure*


The version of Intel® EMA in the template was v1.12.2.0.
Therefore, we attempted to upgrade the version.


The method implemented is as follows.

・Uninstalled Intel® EMA v1.12.2.0.
・Then reinstalled Intel® EMA v1.13.1.0.
 *AzureSQL was used for SQL at that time.


Intel® EMA could be installed, but I could not remote control the agent terminal from Intel® EMA.


What is the procedure for a regular upgrade from Intel® EMA v1.12.2.0 to Intel® EMA v1.13.1.0.


We are waiting for your reply.
Best regards.


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4 Replies
Community Manager

Hello Hideo,


Please find the latest EMA download link and the installation guide given below with the steps for the EMA upgrade.

 EMA download link :

Please find the installation guide in the download link given above.

Upgrading Intel® Endpoint Management Assistant (Intel® EMA) from v1.12.2.0 to v1.13.1.0 should be done carefully to ensure all configurations and settings are retained, and functionality like remote control of agent terminals remains operational. Below is a step-by-step guide for a regular upgrade procedure:

  1. Preparation:
  • Backup Data: Before starting the upgrade, backup all Intel® EMA data, including the SQL database and configuration files.
  • Review Release Notes: Check the release notes for v1.13.1.0 to understand new features, improvements, and any known issues.
  1. Upgrade Intel® EMA:
  • Download Latest Version: Obtain the Intel® EMA v1.13.1.0 package from the official Intel download site.
  • Stop Services: Stop all Intel® EMA services to ensure no data corruption during the upgrade.
  1. Run the installation package for v1.13.1.0 directly on the server where Intel® EMA v1.12.2.0 is installed.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade.
  • Option 2: Manual Installation:
  1. Uninstall Intel® EMA v1.12.2.0, ensuring that the database and configuration files are retained.
  2. Install Intel® EMA v1.13.1.0.
  • Verify Database Connection: Ensure that Intel® EMA is correctly connected to the AzureSQL database.
  • Configure Settings: Verify all settings and configurations, including user accounts, permissions, and policies.
  • Restart Services: Start all Intel® EMA services and ensure they are running properly.
  1. Testing and Validation:
  • Functionality Check: Verify that all functionalities, including remote control of agent terminals, are working as expected.
  • Log Analysis: Check logs for any errors or warnings that might indicate issues.
  • Agent Terminal Check: Ensure that all agent terminals are communicating correctly with the new Intel® EMA version.
  1. Troubleshooting:
  • Review Logs: If there are issues with remote control or other functionalities, review the Intel® EMA logs for any errors.
  • Check Agent Status: Ensure the Intel® EMA agents on the client terminals are updated and running correctly.
  • Network Configuration: Verify that there are no network issues preventing communication between the server and client terminals.


Kindly let us know if you are facing any further query.

Thanks & Regards


0 Kudos




Thanks for the reply.

I did it the following way you taught me.



  1. Upgrade Intel® EMA:
  • Download Latest Version: Obtain the Intel® EMA v1.13.1.0 package from the official Intel download site.
  • Stop Services: Stop all Intel® EMA services to ensure no data corruption during the upgrade.
  1. Run the installation package for v1.13.1.0 directly on the server where Intel® EMA v1.12.2.0 is installed.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the upgrade.


When I did so, I got the following error and the update stopped.




Please let me know the cause and how to fix it.


I am waiting for your reply.


Best regards.


0 Kudos

Hello Hideo,


Thank you for the update. Could you please confirm if you are using Client Control Mode (CCM) or Admin Control Mode (ACM)?

Best regards,

Vijay N.

0 Kudos




Thanks for the reply.



I am using the Admin Control Mode (ACM), as described above.



I look forward to your answers on the causes and remedies to the above.

I am waiting for your reply.


Best regards.


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