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Audio Player project using Python and GPIO




I am a complete novice regarding FPGA operations so please bear with me.


My group is developing an audio player using the DE1-SoC. We have a version of Linux on an SD card that includes Python (PyDE) as well as drivers for the utilizing the DE1's audio functionality. This version also included drivers for other features including video, but did not include anything for GPIO functionality.


We have completed a Python script that successfully plays a .wav file stored on the SD card that can be heard through the DE1's Line Out jack.


What we would like to do is connect a breadboard to the DE1 via GPIO so that we can press a button on the breadboard and have it play back a song like our Python program does.


So, with that, I have a few questions...


Is it possible to access the GPIO functionality through Python? If so, do we need a driver? Do you know where we can get one?


Would it be preferable to implement these buttons using Platform Designer? Is there a way to set these buttons up such that, by pressing one, it will run our Python audio player program?


If you have any resources that discuss using GPIO with Python on the DE1-SoC, please feel free to share them here.


If you need anymore information from me, please let me know.


Thank you!

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