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VR, AR and the principles of User Imagined Content

Honored Contributor III

Hi everyone,

Whilst reflecting on an ultimately cancelled RealSense virtual reality wireless headset called Project Alloy, I was reminded of a blog article on advanced VR design principles that I had written in the months when Alloy was still an active project. As the article would otherwise be lost and forgotten, I thought it would be good to highlight it in case its content proves useful to current RealSense 400 Series projects.

Please, of course, disregard the article references to Project Alloy, like the messages on TV repeats of live shows that tell you "Do not phone in, the lines are now closed".

Edit: in case readers wonder why Alloy was cancelled, it was primarily because it was decided that a wireless VR headset with an onboard PC board inside the helmet could not provide the same user experience as a headset linked to a full PC with strong graphics capabilities. The RealSense "Merged Reality" vision remains a strong one. Search YouTube for 'intel project alloy' for plenty of videos of the tech to inspire you with possibilities for your 400 Series projects, including this interview. CES 2017: Intel Project Alloy Interview - YouTube

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