Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.
3069 Discussions

Intel media SDK MPEG-2 encoder pins refuse connection in graph edit

I have tested the intel media sdk MPEG-2 encoder which i got when i installed this sdk in my XP system. My processor is intel core 2 duo. At the last stage of installation it shows a message that you have to manually enter environment variables for DIRECTSHOW_BASECLASS. Is it for Including Header files of base class or for Strmbasd.lib?
any way i set it manually.
The problem is using Graph edit (atool of platform SDK), i cant connect the out put pin of Web cam or any video card (which is installed ) to the input pin of intel media sdk MPEG-2 encoder (or any of the encoders AAC or h264 etc). Can you guide me what i need to do or flow of graphs to test filter with graph edit?
I tried a Raw video uot from the wmv file ->Intel video Vc decoder -> intel video MPEG-2 encoder->filewriter. Worked. but size got as 10 times. So please guide in this connection.
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4 Replies
Quoting - prasanthkumarpa
I have tested the intel media sdk MPEG-2 encoder which i got when i installed this sdk in my XP system. My processor is intel core 2 duo. At the last stage of installation it shows a message that you have to manually enter environment variables for DIRECTSHOW_BASECLASS. Is it for Including Header files of base class or for Strmbasd.lib?
any way i set it manually.
The problem is using Graph edit (atool of platform SDK), i cant connect the out put pin of Web cam or any video card (which is installed ) to the input pin of intel media sdk MPEG-2 encoder (or any of the encoders AAC or h264 etc). Can you guide me what i need to do or flow of graphs to test filter with graph edit?
I tried a Raw video uot from the wmv file ->Intel video Vc decoder -> intel video MPEG-2 encoder->filewriter. Worked. but size got as 10 times. So please guide in this connection.

Hi prasanthkumarpa,

Thanks for checking out the MediaSDK. I must first say that the MediaSDK is not supported on Windows XP. Please see the FAQ that is posted on this forum. The MediaSDK MPEG-2 encoder DirectShow filter's input pin accepts: MEDIATYPE_VIDEO, FORMAT_VIDEOINFO2 with a subtype of MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12. What is the output pin upstream trying to connect with? The input/output formats for the sample filters are all documented and can be found in the "doc" directory of the package. If you can provide a bit more information, I'd be happy to assist you - but remember XP is not supported.



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Quoting - prasanthkumarpa
I have tested the intel media sdk MPEG-2 encoder which i got when i installed this sdk in my XP system. My processor is intel core 2 duo. At the last stage of installation it shows a message that you have to manually enter environment variables for DIRECTSHOW_BASECLASS. Is it for Including Header files of base class or for Strmbasd.lib?
any way i set it manually.
The problem is using Graph edit (atool of platform SDK), i cant connect the out put pin of Web cam or any video card (which is installed ) to the input pin of intel media sdk MPEG-2 encoder (or any of the encoders AAC or h264 etc). Can you guide me what i need to do or flow of graphs to test filter with graph edit?
I tried a Raw video uot from the wmv file ->Intel video Vc decoder -> intel video MPEG-2 encoder->filewriter. Worked. but size got as 10 times. So please guide in this connection.

Just a small update for this thread to avoid further confusion with color formats. Intel Media SDK supports only NV12 as input for encoders and output for decoders, and sample DirectShow filters operate withMEDIASUBTYPE_NV12 at encoder filters' input and decoder filters' output. Media subtype other than NV12 may be the reason of refused connection. The filters documentation mistakenly states that MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12 is supported. We are sorry for being misleading, this is a known bug that will be corrected in future releases documentation.

Also, regarding the question about DSHOW_BASECLASSES_PATH variable, it is required to build sample DirectShow filters source code and is used for both include and lib paths of Visual Studio solution.


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Just a small update for this thread to avoid further confusion with color formats. Intel Media SDK supports only NV12 as input for encoders and output for decoders, and sample DirectShow filters operate withMEDIASUBTYPE_NV12 at encoder filters' input and decoder filters' output. Media subtype other than NV12 may be the reason of refused connection. The filters documentation mistakenly states that MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12 is supported. We are sorry for being misleading, this is a known bug that will be corrected in future releases documentation.

Also, regarding the question about DSHOW_BASECLASSES_PATH variable, it is required to build sample DirectShow filters source code and is used for both include and lib paths of Visual Studio solution.



What you said is not true. In GraphEdit,Intel Media SDK sample decoder/encoderreportthat they supportMEDIASUBTYPE_YV12 as input/output. Whatever the document states, information from filter binary is always right, isn't it?

So I thinke Intel Media SDK supports MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12.

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Quoting - xgongx


What you said is not true. In GraphEdit,Intel Media SDK sample decoder/encoderreportthat they supportMEDIASUBTYPE_YV12 as input/output. Whatever the document states, information from filter binary is always right, isn't it?

So I thinke Intel Media SDK supports MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12.

Hi xgongx,

Actually, what is reflected in filters' properties in GraphEdit is also a mistake, we will fix it in the next release along with documentation. If you try to connect Media SDK filters in chains you'll see that decoders produce NV12 subtype at output and encoders would accept only NV12. So, MEDIASUBTYPE_YV12 is not supported, for sure :)

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