Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

two questions about HEVC encode and decode

(1)here is the description about HEVC encode and decode in MSS:
  • Encoding HEVC video via Media SDK HEVC Software Encode Plug-in from the Media SDK HEVC Pack
so it means the MSS with INDE has the HEVC encode function?and what is the command line?
(2)i want to try pure SW HEVC encode and decode solution in client,however,which is a part of media sever studio pro but not in can i get only the SW HEVC sample but not whole media server pro?if i can ,how? i want to get a trail version to test first.
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3 Replies

Hello Yiling,

Media Server Studio and INDE are two separate products - former for server and latter for client. The Media SDK is common between them (on INDE, it supports Windows and has no HEVC. MSS supports both Linux and Windows and has HEVC pack in Pro edition). To avoid confusion, here is a table that can help:

MSS Pro HEVC pack:

Linux -> Encode and Decode -> SW and HW implementations

Windows -> Encode and Decode -> SW and HW implementations

INDE MSDK for Client:

Windows -> Decode -> HW implementation

So, if you have MSDK for CLient from INDE, you can only use the HEVC decoder HW impl. For any SW implementation (Encode or Decode), you need the MSS Pro. You can download the Pro for trial period as well (30 days) to evaluate HEVC.

Hope this helps.

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what is MSS Pro?in my conscious,MSS is code sample for media client,i have't see any code sample download interface in media sever.if i want to get MSS Pro,i should download whole windows media server pro?and if MSS Pro can be used with media client?
one more question,i can't download trail version of windows server pro.
(1)in download web,the default download file is linux media sever.(attached picture:can download linux.png)
(2)the intel media server studio-professional edition for windows server is in additional downloads item which is in download web too(attached picture:can't download windows.png),however,i can't download the windows server studio(it will quit quickly when i chick it)  
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Hi Yiling,

the Intel® Media Server Studio portfolio offers two different versions:

  1. Intel® MSS Essentials Edition

  2. Intel® MSS Professional Edition

The “Intel® MSS Professional Edition” includes the “Intel® MSS Essentials Edition” with the following additions:

  • HEVC/H.265 Encoder (SW, Hybrid)

  • HEVC/H.265 Decoder plugin

  • VTune Amplifier XE

  • Video Quality Caliper

  • AAC, MP3 Audio Codecs

As you are interested in the HEVC Encoder, you have to use “Intel® MSS Professional Edition”. On the support page here you will find samples to download, showing you how to use the encoders and what parameters need to be specified.



Please give the download one more try.

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