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Arrow SoCKit Evaluation Board: updating Linux Kernel Image from 3.7.0 to 3.14 on Micr

Honored Contributor II

Hello There, 


I have Purchase the "Arrow SoCKit Evaluation Board" and trying to run my ARM based application over it. 


due to limitation of kernel version (Jumbo IP packet) i am not able to properly execute my application on.  


so please suggest me how do i update it's Kernel Image...? 


Attached is the Print-Screen of Error while running my application. 



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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hello There, 


I have Purchase the "Arrow SoCKit Evaluation Board" and trying to run my ARM based application over it. 


due to limitation of kernel version (Jumbo IP packet) i am not able to properly execute my application on.  


so please suggest me how do i update it's Kernel Image...? 


Attached is the Print-Screen of Error while running my application. 




--- Quote End ---  



Hi Kaushal, 


I am looking for an answer to the same question. I am working on the arrow sockit board too. I am trying to execute a bash script, but because the kernel of the linux distribution (linaro 13.04) I am using is 3.12* I get the message that I should have a 3.13* kernel instead of 3.12*. 

I tried to follow the instructions of this page : 

and precisely, the section "upgrade the kernel in Debian or Ubuntu Linux" but when I type the command apt-cache search linux-image I get a lot of versions (for different platforms, other that arm cortex a 9) and I don't know which one to install. 

I tried to follow the instructions of this page too : 

but the .deb packages that I download are for amd64 and not arm. 


Does anyone have a suggestion as of how to solve this problem?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hello rukawa, 


I got little idia i to upgrade ALtera SoCKit but my aim is to upgrade from kernel 3.7 to 3.13 or above. 


The Kernel is available on 


But the process which is given on obove link is little different , so just trying to figure out how to resolve it, 


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