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Can't access the Main function!

Honored Contributor II

Hi community: 


Now i encounter a really strange problem. 


I develop a nios system. It contains SDram, Sram, Flash, and other module. There is no error while i compile it in SOPC and Quartus. 


When i start a Hello LED project in NIOS IDE, the Alt_main is the entry of the program, everything goes well. No matter i Debug this program in both of the Ram(Sram, SDram) , or i download the .elf to the FLASH and let the program start from FLASH, the LED program runs pretty well. 


BUT, when i start a new project HELLO WORLD, the main is the entry , trouble comes out!! (This HELLO WORLD project can only print a string "HELLO" using the stdout. ) 


The compile process finishes without any error. But after i press the DEBUG button, the program seems keeping "running" without stop in the Main function. And the "Step into, Step over, Step run" icon is gray that can't be pressed.  


I just wonder where is the current PC. So i press the "Suspend" button. The PC jump between alt_irq.h and alt_irq_handler.c over and over.  


In detail, the PC always jump from this section below in alt_irq.h  


static ALT_INLINE alt_u32 ALT_ALWAYS_INLINE alt_irq_pending (void) 

alt_u32 active; 




return active; 


to this section below in alt_irq_hander.c  


void alt_irq_handler (void) 

alt_u32 active; 

alt_u32 mask; 

alt_u32 i; 



* Notify the operating system that we are at interrupt level. 






* Obtain from the interrupt controller a bit list of pending interrupts, 

* and then process the highest priority interrupt. This process loops,  

* loading the active interrupt list on each pass until alt_irq_pending()  

* return zero. 


* The maximum interrupt latency for the highest priority interrupt is 

* reduced by finding out which interrupts are pending as late as possible. 

* Consider the case where the high priority interupt is asserted during 

* the interrupt entry sequence for a lower priority interrupt to see why 

* this is the case. 



active = alt_irq_pending (); 



i = 0; 

mask = 1; 



* Test each bit in turn looking for an active interrupt. Once one is  

* found, the interrupt handler asigned by a call to alt_irq_register() is 

* called to clear the interrupt condition. 




if (active & mask) 


alt_irq.handler(alt_irq.context, i);  


mask <<= 1; 



} while (1); 


active = alt_irq_pending (); 


} while (active); 



* Notify the operating system that interrupt processing is complete. 




and once go over the if(active & mask) in loop 



if (active & mask) 


alt_irq.handler(alt_irq.context, i);  


mask <<= 1; 



} while (1); 


the next time will go into the if(active & mask) and break. 


and now the pc return to the section i mentioned first time in alt_irq.h  


static ALT_INLINE alt_u32 ALT_ALWAYS_INLINE alt_irq_pending (void) 

alt_u32 active; 




return active; 


So, here comes out a infinite loop. And the program will never go to the Main() function. 


Why? And how to fix it? 





I would like to offer some information further more. 


1). The SDRAM, SRAM, FLASH works! Because in the HELLO_LED program, i let the program located in the SDRAM, SRAM and the program can run. 


2). This situation is not all along. I mean the HELLO_WORLD program did work in the first time i debug it. But from i debug it in the next day till now, it is dead. 




Please give me some advice, or solution.  


I will reply the information you needed as soon as possible. 


Thanks all of U.<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif  



0 Kudos
2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

It is enough to have an exercise with hello . 

Then you should jump start on uClinux. (

There is no need to spend much time on HAL API.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hippo&#39;s right, if uCLinux is what you&#39;d like run, eventually. Since you didn&#39;t post this to the uCLinux Forum, I&#39;m assuming that you don&#39;t want to run uCLinux. So, here are my questions: 


Which interrupt is causing this problem? Also, does the initialization code, for your devices, function? (Hint: step through the code in alt_sys_init.c) 


You mentioned that you had it working, at one point. What have you changed? 


Best of luck, 


- slacker
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