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Compile the AppWeb Webserver

Honored Contributor II



i'm actually trying to compile and run the AppWeb Webserver with the uClinux distribution and the ArriaGX II Dev Kit. I followed some Guides in the Altera Wiki to compile the uClinux and successfully run it on the ArriaGX II. Then I customized the Application and Library Settings and added the AppWeb Webserver. But now the make process ends with the following error: 

make: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/nios/Projects/nios2-linux/uClinux-dist/user/appWeb' make.dep:12: config.make: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden make: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target »conf/make.os.«, benötigt von »make.os«, zu erstellen. Schluss. make: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/nios/Projects/nios2-linux/uClinux-dist/user/appWeb' 


make: enter directory '/home/nios/Projects/nios2-linux/uClinux-dist/user/appWeb' make.dep:12: config.make: file or directory not found make: *** No rule available to make target »conf/make.os.«, used by »make.os«. end. make: leave directory '/home/nios/Projects/nios2-linux/uClinux-dist/user/appWeb' 


I also tried to compile the AppWeb separately. The build process was successful but if i try to start the AppWeb the following error occurs: 

root:/bin/appweb/bin> ./appweb start sh: syntax error: unexpected $ 

I'm really at a loss with this. Can anyone help me? 


greetings Bergmann89. 


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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I also tried to compile the AppWeb separately. The build process was successful but if i try to start the AppWeb the following error occurs: 

root:/bin/appweb/bin> ./appweb start sh: syntax error: unexpected $ 

I'm really at a loss with this. 

--- Quote End ---  


My guess is that appweb is a shell script that expects the shell to be bash, and you're using sash or hush.
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Honored Contributor II



the uClinux comes with busybox. I'm not sure, but i think it uses 'hush'. I found another guide, which i tried: but it ends with the same error as above. There must be any way, to get it work... 


greetings Bergmann.
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Honored Contributor II

Hello community, 


I'm also trying to compile the *altera-delivered* "appWeb". After some adjustments (thanks to ykozlov for pointing to the right direction) I'm running into the same error like Bergmann89 did: 


make: enter directory '/home/nios/Projects/nios2-linux/uClinux-dist/user/appWeb' make.dep:12: config.make: file or directory not found make: *** No rule available to make target »conf/make.os.«, used by »make.os«. end. make: leave directory '/home/nios/Projects/nios2-linux/uClinux-dist/user/appWeb' 


Looking into the according Makefile under "...\appWeb\mpr\UNIX\" and regarding the above error message I assume that the Makefile has not been implemented. 

Due to I don't have much knowledge about this whole Makefile-stuff it's very frustrating at this point. 


Is there anybody out there who can give some advice or even better provide a correct Makefile for this app? 


I think this server-app is a very cool tool to provide dynamic webpages, using server-side JavaScript and PHP on uClinux. 


Thanks in advance for any help! 



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