Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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12621 Discussions

DE0:Customize Kernel Settings

Honored Contributor II

HI,everyone ! 

I want to Customize my own uCinux kernel on DE0.I make menuconfig in the uclinux-dist directory and select the Customize Kernel Settings.IN Processor type and features\Platform a development board mdel should be selected.There are models such as ALtera DE2 Development board and ALtera Cyclone III 3c120 Development board excpet for DE0 Development board,so what can I do ? Which board should I select, or should I creat my own board model? 

Can anyone help me ? 

Thanks in advance!:)
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

My first suggestion is to use "make xconfig" instead of"make menuconfig". It is a graphic configration tool and you can ignore the Board Selection.  


And the second, documents ( and examples ( from Nios Wiki will help you a lot.  


The third is you may be careful with the kernel because the memory is very limited for Linux design on DE0.
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Honored Contributor II


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My first suggestion is to use "make xconfig" instead of"make menuconfig". It is a graphic configration tool and you can ignore the Board Selection.  


And the second, documents ( and examples ( from Nios Wiki will help you a lot.  


The third is you may be careful with the kernel because the memory is very limited for Linux design on DE0. 

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It's very kind of you to reply! 

I have successfully transformed uClinux to my DE0 board under default settings. I start with a minimum hardware systems. 

But you know ,the IO pins and chips on DE0 board are quite diffrent from those on DE2 board and other boards supported by nios2-linux.As a result ,the device drivers may not apply to DE0 board!
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Honored Contributor II

It's very kind of you to reply!:)  

I have successfully transformed uClinux to my DE0 board under default settings. I start with a minimum hardware systems. 

But you know ,the IO pins and chips on DE0 board are quite diffrent from those on DE2 board and other boards supported by nios2-linux.As a result ,the device drivers may not apply to DE0 board!
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