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Debugger doesn't allow memory to be edited

Honored Contributor II

When I run the debugger and open the "memory" tab, the memory contents are displayed as expected. However, this debugger doesn't seem to allow changes to the memory, even when the processor is halted. 


The "registers" tab allows changes, so I'm perplexed as to why the memory tab doesn't allow changes. 


Any way around this?
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You can edit memory directly. 

Just click the place you want to edit by mouse then you can edit it.
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Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by david_cai@Sep 9 2006, 06:28 PM 

you can edit memory directly. 

just click the place you want to edit by mouse then you can edit it. 

<div align='right'><{post_snapback}> (index.php?act=findpost&pid=18185) 

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Thanks for your reply, but the IDE just will not let me edit memory using the memory tab. Even memory markded as R/W. I double click on a hex number, but nothing I type will change the value. I right click on the values, but none of the menu items indicate an edit function. 


I can change register values using the registers tab. 


I have three blocks of onchip memory, and the IDE will not let me edit any of them. The processor runs and changes the memory, though.
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Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by today@Sep 10 2006, 06:07 AM 

i double click on a hex number, but nothing i type will change the value. 

<div align='right'><{post_snapback}> (index.php?act=findpost&pid=18188) 

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Just figured it out. Wow. Just.... wow. I do not think the interface for this could possibly be made less intuitive. It is jaw-droppingly bad. 


When you double-click to highlight a hex pair, it is not possible to type anything at all... unlike every other computer program ever made. 


When you single click, placing the cursor to the RIGHT of a number won&#39;t work. If you place the cursor to the LEFT of a number, the delete key and backspace keys do not work. 


All of this led me to believe that it didn&#39;t work. 


The only thing that works is to place the cursor to the left of the number you want to change, without accidentally highlighting the pair. Then the system works in overstrike mode. 


When you change one number, you can&#39;t automatically continue with changing the next number. Instead, you must use the arrow key to move the cursor to the next number. 


I feel like a complete idiot for not figuring this stuff out earlier. But sheesh... the interface on this IDE is something else. I&#39;m using development systems for three other devices, and none of them are as anti-intuitive as this Nios IDE. It is a constant battle for even the simple things - so much stuff does not work the way I think it is going to. 


I am certain I will be asking you guys more dumb questions like this one and the previous one about the .asm files in the future.<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif
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Honored Contributor II

Ahh, I think NiosII is good enough for us except for the memory editor... it also bother me for a long time.<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif

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