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I'm looking for basic examples and tutorials of hps-2-fpga bridge implementation, ideally short, showing all config that should be done for the bridge to work. My board is de0-nano-SoC, cyclone V. I looked at : https://www.altera.com/support/support-resources/design-examples/soc/fpga-to-hps-bridges-design-example.html but... too complex for my level now. Any example welcome, I know it is often needed to browse several examples to get all information needed. Thanks a lot ! Franck. Background of the request: After many evening of work, I succeeded to get my DE0-nano-SOC boot and have a first communication with lw-hps-2-fpga bridge. Great ! Also, found packages to get image reading/processing in python. Works well also. End goal is to drive a 64x32 led matrix, and be able to display jpeg images on it. Now I would like to test/use/evaluate the hps-2-fpga bridge (not the lightweight one) to transfer images from hps to fpga.Lien copié
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Found it back: https://digibird1.wordpress.com/playing-with-the-cyclone-v-soc-system-de0-nano-soc-kitatlas-soc, written by Daniel Pelikan This example gives startup instructions for HPS-2-FGPA, LW HPS-2-FPGA, DMA. A very good one. Also, no issue to make it running on the board. Daniel, thanks you so much for this awesome example, exactly what I was looking for ! You saved me weeks of work to find all this ! :D Franck- Marquer comme nouveau
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hi..I am also struggling to access internal memory from HPS using python. ? arre u now able to access memory..?

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