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Error in build

Honored Contributor II

windows server 2003 enterprise edition, niosII 1.1 b137d, Quartus II 4.2 b157 


when I create a new project in niosII IDE, such as "hello world", then Build All, the messenge appears: 

Error in build: 

(Exec error:Launching failed) 


I search "Launching failed" in niosII IDE Help, it tells: 


To build your project: 


In the C/C++ Projects view, select the HelloWorld project.  

Click Project > Build Project.  



If you get the error message: 


Exec error:Launching failed 


This error message means that the CDT cannot locate the build command, usually make. Either your path is not configured correctly or you do not have make installed on your system. 



how to correct this? 


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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by nios_xx@Dec 12 2004, 03:28 AM 

when i create a new project in niosii ide, such as "hello world", then build all, the messenge appears: 

error in build: 

(exec error:launching failed) 


how to correct this? 


--- Quote End ---  


I solved this problem by deleting all *.launched files from 'nios2\bin\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.debug.core\launches' 


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Honored Contributor II

To MiX: 


I try that, but it is no use for me.
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Honored Contributor II

You can explicitly set up the location where you'd like it to find your cygwin, and consequently make install. Try the following: 

- From Window menu, select Preferences 

- In Preferences select Nios II Tool Locations 

- On that page, find the section labelled 'Cygwin Tools Location (such as make, find, rm) 

- Even if it looks like it is pointing to the correct cygwin, select the radio option that says 'Specify the Cygwin tools directory' 

- Enter the valid path to the cygwin tools install e.g. d:\quartus\bin\cygwin\bin 

- Hit Apply Button 

- Hit OK 


Try to build again
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Honored Contributor II


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originally posted by tmiranda@Dec 13 2004, 01:47 PM 

you can explicitly set up the location where you'd like it to find your cygwin, and consequently make install. try the following: 

- from window menu, select preferences 

- in preferences select nios ii tool locations 

- on that page, find the section labelled  'cygwin tools location (such as make, find, rm) 

- even if it looks like it is pointing to the correct cygwin, select the radio option that says 'specify the cygwin tools directory' 

- enter the valid path to the cygwin tools install e.g. d:\quartus\bin\cygwin\bin 

- hit apply button 

- hit ok 


try to build again 

--- Quote End ---  


In niosII 1.1 b137d, altera removes the 'the Cygwin tools directory' option, there are only two options, niosII location and quartus location, i can not choice the cygwin location. 


In niosII 1.0, I can manully select the cygwin toolchains, and it seems that everything is ok.
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Honored Contributor II

Anybody has any ideas?

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